Existential and Gestalt Theories

Counseling and psychotherapy play an important role in human well-being, and theories create a solid background for therapy implementation. The existential theory explains people’s experiences in a meaningful and responsible way to encourage free will and self-determination (Tan, 2011). Gestalt theory, in its turn, focuses on processes with the help of which individuals learn how to develop relationships within a specific environment (Corey, 2017). These two approaches have many common characteristics and differences that prove their importance in psychology.

Sometimes, Gestalt therapy is defined as an existential perspective when personal experiences, memories, and people matter for recovery. However, existential therapy is more about thinking, evaluating, and developing attitudes toward something within a long period (Corey, 2017). Its strengths include contributing to a better understanding of life meaning and person-centered counseling. Still, the conflicts based on cultural diversity, religion, and education challenge a therapeutic process. Gestalt therapy aims to expand people’s awareness (Corey, 2017). In the Gestalt approach, the environment strengthens patients’ knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is beneficial to use this therapy in treating personality disorders and use past and present experiences simultaneously, underlying the worth of the present. The shortage is related to the role of a therapist in a process because, without a highly trained expert, this therapy will hardly work effectively.

Following the Christian perspective, Gestalt and existential theories have compatible and incompatible characteristics. For example, existentialists believe in free will, and the Bible promotes objective values to serve God (Tan, 2011). At the same time, God’s will is to promote freedom and equality for every individual through spiritual disciplines. Gestalt therapy is consistent with a Christian perspective to face the truth and become free (Tan, 2011). Anyway, Gestalt theory is always the present contribution and achievement at the moment, while the Bible emphasizes hopes and a better future for believers.

Regarding the offered concepts, each theory may be associated with some limitations for clients. In existential therapy, the lack of systematic statements and principles is evident. Besides, therapists have to be mature and experienced to understand what it means to be a human for a patient and in general. In Gestalt therapy, the conflict of cognitive factors prevails, underlying the role of patients, not therapists. Self-evaluation is a challenge, and not many people are ready to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Despite the existing differences and limitations, both therapies bring positive outcomes in counseling and psychology.


Corey, G. (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Tan, S. Y. (2011). Counseling and psychotherapy: A Christian perspective. Baker Academic.

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