Consumers are known to buy products from companies to satisfy their own needs and wants. To have these needs and wants, consumers must feel that a gap in their preferred market for it to qualify to be a want. By realizing what the market lacks, companies utilize this chance to manufacture products to make profits and also gain from the consumers. For consumers to buy any product, decisions have to be made and hence companies have to do their best to make sure their products are in quantity with quality to attract customers.
The A2 milk product is a type of dairy cow’s milk that mostly lacks a form of a β-casein protein called A1. The cows have been specifically bred so as not to produce the A1 protein (Switch4Good, 2022). The A2 milk does not contain the A1 protein which scientists claim to cause issues with stomach discomfort (Switch4Good, 2022). Although the claim is not fully backed up with intense research, A2 milk is considered better than others because of this. The A2 milk has also been recognized because it reduces deaths through heart diseases, diabetes 1, and autism hence its popularity and acceptance all over the world.
The A2 milk is available in huge quantities hence its regularly available to its consumers. It comes in various forms which include butter, yogurt, cheese, milk powder, and ice cream. Its consumption would not affect lactose intolerant people for it does not cause any inflammatory responses to those who are lactose intolerant (A2 milk: Benefits, vs. A1 milk, side effects, alternatives, and more, 2022). It builds bones which is a good thing for both ages whether old or young and hence would help one to stay strong and healthy. It is not necessarily drunk alone but could be added to cereals and baked foods for consumption (A2 milk: Benefits, vs. A1 milk, side effects, alternatives, and more, 2022). The A2 milk covers a lot of health issues compared to any other milk product, the main reason as to why it has become famous.
In every purchasing decision, there must be enough data or information learned for any person to buy a product or commodity. One could get the information needed by remembering the commodity they saw somewhere or heard about them and then decide whether or not to buy. The information on various commodities could be found on social media websites, from friends, advertisements or in magazines (A2 Milk Market Size, 2022). Everyone has their perfect way of gaining or getting the information needed without problems.
The A2 milk products have been widely marketed through the internet and their websites. The internet has a variety of articles and journals showing its growth across the world. Furthermore, how the product is being used and its benefits have been shared and analyzed deeply hence enabling one to choose easily. Articles written by Fortune business insights show the rising trends in the use of the A2 milk in the Asia Pacific region. The continued rising of its market size is a clear indication that the milk is worthy of trying (A2 Milk Market Size, 2022). A huge market size means that the brand is good and the quality of the goods is okay. It is a good reason for one to try the product.

The A2 milk products also have a good market base worldwide. From figure 1(A2 Milk Market Size, 2022), it is clear that the liquid form takes up almost all of the products that are produced. The powder form is not commonly produced because most consumers do not use it. The information has, therefore, enabled the consumer to know the best preferences that are commonly used. In A2 milk, it is better to buy the liquid form rather than the powder as the statistics show. Many people would go for the best form of any product they want.

The two types of milk evaluated are the A2 and A1 milk products. The A2 product is mostly chosen because it has more benefits than regular milk and A1 milk products. The A1 milk product produces the peptide called the BCM-7, which has been proved by scientists to cause stomach-related issues when ingested. It also cannot be taken by lactose intolerant people. On the other hand, the A2 milk product has been met with joy because it does not cause much pain as the A1 milk product. He A1 milk product causes much more inflammation and also impacts brain functionality. The A1 milk product makes people process more slowly than the A2 milk products.
Choosing the alternatives depends on the evaluation done based on the advantages and the limitations of both. The A2 milk product has many advantages over the A1 milk product. A2 milk contains eight grams of proteins in each glass. It enables the repair of muscles after exercise which makes the population healthy. Furthermore, it has several vitamins and minerals which are vital to the body (A2 Milk Market, 2022). Manufactured in India, a country with high-level doctors, the milk lacks hormones and antibiotics. It is because cows naturally produce the milk and are not enhanced at any cost to produce more. The goal is not to make profits but to produce a milk product that is safe for all. While A1 milk products cannot be consumed by lactose intolerant people, A2 milk can be consumed without worse side effects. It means that those with the issues could also enjoy milk if they ever wanted to. Finally, A2 milk product comes both in liquid form and powder form and hence depends on the consumer to take it in the form they like.

Purchasing methods that impact the consumer buying decision include the standing order purchase. This involves the purchase of fixed amounts of products in this case A2 milk anytime they are needed. Even though standing order purchase involves the use only one vendor, it saves time because an agreement is made in advance of when the delivery will be taking place and reviewed regularly (Rajak, 2022). The method works well with goods that are being sold from time to time like milk. Furthermore, the periodical purchasing method is safe in terms of hygiene since delivery is done on a weekly basis to either shops or wholesalers (Rajak, 2022). Thus, it ensures that fresh milk is always available hence reducing the chances of selling expired milk products to consumers.
The post-purchase of A2 milk is worth all the money used to buy it. The milk can be used by lactose intolerant people since it has a lot of health benefits like strengthening of bones. Nonetheless, it has many vital vitamins which add more value to the body constituting a healthy life. Compared to normal milk, the A2 milk originates from natural cows which have not been enhanced to produce more but rather are indigenous. It means that the milk does not contain minerals that could affect the body. The A2 milk product is by far the best than any other milk product as stated above and should be taken into consideration for better and healthy lives.
Reference List
A2 Milk Market Size, 2., 2022. A2 Milk Market Size, Share, Growth | Industry Forecast [2029]. [online] Web. 2022. A2 milk: Benefits, vs. A1 milk, side effects, alternatives, and more. [online] Web.
Rajak, H., 2022. Different Methods of Food Purchasing – hmhub. [online] hmhub. Web.
Switch4Good, 2022. What Exactly Is A2 Milk? Everything You Need to Know About A2 Cow’s Milk. [online] Center for Nutrition Studies. Web. 2022. A2 Milk Market. [online] Web.