Factors of Influence on the Target Project

The activity of public organizations is a complex process with its characteristics and factors of influence. This process involves many organizations, stakeholders, competitors, and collaborators. All this works as one integral mechanism to influence the political actions of any politician or party. Such influence can be exercised in many ways, including lobbying, bribery, public advocacy, and attempts to discredit opponents. Because of such political processes, it is rarely possible to form an ideal policy.

In most cases, state and public decisions are based on a series of compromises and concessions in specific areas that may concern different state sectors. An important consideration is to consider how politically feasible the project is. There are many forces to which it will be beneficial and the same number who would like the project not to exist. All this is important to consider when implementing plans. A helpful step would be to create a stakeholder matrix to outline how and who will influence the project.

Demands and Changes that Affect the Target Project

The target project is influenced by many factors, both political and social. First of all, the project of a non-profit organization that will work to ensure gender equality and protects women’s rights is influenced by political and other activists. This influence can be both positive and negative, depending on the views on the problem of a particular group of people. Because the project has a clear goal to be achieved, it requires significant public resources and the involvement of many people. Because of this, the preparation of the project receives a certain degree of publicity, which can attract the attention of various interested parties to it. According to Treinta et al. (2020), in non-profit organizations, trust and legitimacy in the relationship between the organization and stakeholders are essential factors. In addition, one of the main requirements for the successful implementation of the project is the promotion and approval of its actors in society and politics. This means that a competent information campaign should be carried out that will increase people’s awareness about the problems of women that persist in society. A targeted project that aims to create an organization to protect women’s rights can attract the attention of various stakeholders. Firstly, it can be other public organizations that can support the project and positively influence its development. However, some activists also would prefer something other than such a project implemented.

The implementation of the project will require the creation of new autonomous processes and the achievement of support for them by political elites. Such processes are due to the fact that different interest groups can turn their attention to the newly created project and want to show their participation in it. Thus, they influence it according to their intentions, which can either positively affect the project or aggravate its progress. The international social project for protecting women’s rights significantly impacts feminist movements worldwide. It, therefore, is in the area of ​​interest of feminist organizations that can significantly increase the effectiveness of its processes.

One of the boundary processes of the project is domestic violence. This is one of the most common, complicated, and traumatic situations in life, the consequences of which can be dire for individuals and society. In the field of family law, the separation of mother and children has become common in divorce cases. The international community recognizes violence against women and children as both a violation of human rights and an act of discrimination. In cases where mothers are forbidden to see their children, the fragile psyche of children receives severe psychological trauma, the consequences of which will forever leave their mark. Mothers also experience psychological difficulties that aggravate their already difficult situation, especially single women, widows, and women who have been subjected to various kinds of discrimination, as a rule, are in a state of stress and depression, which may be victims of involvement in various illegal actions. Such processes should be followed by implementing this project concerning all groups of women subjected to discrimination and humiliation.

Possible Results

There are many options for the potential outcomes of the project. They may depend on a variety of factors described in this paper. The ideal outcome of the process would be expanding the group’s activities to as many countries as possible and positive feedback from women about the organization’s activities. This is the effect the project organizers strive for and which would be the most desirable.

However, as described below, unforeseen difficulties of various scales may arise along the way of project implementation. This can affect the final results and make them compromised or undesirable. The situation can be corrected in the first case since compromised results would mean either low project efficiency or a small distribution. In this case, it would be worthwhile to continue the organization’s development to protect women’s rights in all accessible regions. The results would be undesirable if the project did not succeed or its activities did not help women assert their rights. In this case, the organization will need a complete reorganization, which may lead to its re-creation from the beginning.

Feedback Process

Feedback is a crucial indicator of the success of any project. However, in social protection, receiving feedback on the work of the organization plays a crucial role in building trust in the project and its activities. Thus, feedback is the basis of self-regulation, the development of systems, and their adaptation to changing conditions of existence. This connection at the level of a non-profit organization is a mechanism for ensuring the functioning of stakeholders who directly benefit from the implementation of the project. Since the organization of a large-scale social project is a complex, open system, therefore, at the level of the beneficiary, both negative and positive links should be identified.

Given that feedback is considered one of the essential concepts of management theory, it follows that the development of program-target methods based on feedback from the control object can significantly increase the level of coordination and flexibility of program management. In addition, the construction of competent social interactions can provide grounds for the application of new planning and management methods, particularly indicative planning.

Social Influence Values

The value system is a set of opinions that have developed among people about the significance in their lives of things and phenomena found in nature and society. A person and society rely on a system of values ​​when choosing goals and ways to achieve them when it comes to solving emerging problems. Values ​​are reflected in the norms and attitudes that operate in society. For example, the legal norms of a legal, democratic state differ from the norms and attitudes that reign in despotism or satrapy, just as democratic values ​​differ from authoritarian ones.

Thus, in every society, there is a wide range of values, each of which, in its way, affects any social actors within society. This can adjust and give different meanings to public projects depending on their direction. The values of different groups of women, such as the disabled, can influence the project of creating a women’s rights organization. In this way, each person’s values can be considered when working on a project so that it meets its goals in the future. The reasonable opinions of the majority and minority of people on a given issue may vary depending on various factors such as their gender, social class, and political views.

Political Issues

The US administration’s policy towards feminism is entirely consistent and liberal. Women and their rights are protected by federal law with a difference in pensions and health care. Even though discrimination on any grounds is officially prohibited, it persists in areas such as employment. This can be seen in the fact that women generally receive lower wages than men for equivalent work (Säve-Söderbergh, 2019). This indicates that women remain at a certain level of insecurity in society. The project aims to eliminate such manifestations of infringement of rights.

Regarding local governments, all states have the same liberal rights for women without discrimination. However, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (2022), California is the leader in the number of right-wing hate groups. This could potentially harm the spread of organizational activity in this state. As a result, creating a women’s rights organization may face public hindrance in the form of undermining activities and attempts to prevent equality.


Säve-Söderbergh, J. (2019). Gender gaps in salary negotiations: Salary requests and starting salaries in the field. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 161, 35-51. Web.

Southern Poverty Law Center. (2022). In 2021, we tracked 733 hate groups across the U.S. Web.

Treinta, F. T., Moura, L. F., Almeida Prado Cestari, J. M., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Van Aken, E. M., Munik, J. & Leite, L. R. (2020). Design and implementation factors for performance measurement in non-profit organizations: A literature review. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1799. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Factors of Influence on the Target Project." December 3, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/factors-of-influence-on-the-target-project/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Factors of Influence on the Target Project." December 3, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/factors-of-influence-on-the-target-project/.

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