Failure of American Dream: “The Great Gatsby” by Fitzgerald Review

Despite the seeming glamor and wealth, the character of Great Gatsby is deeply and inherently tragic. Striving to bury his deep discontent with his life in an attempt to recreate the past, he refuses to acknowledge that the people around him have changed. Furthermore, his pursuit of the material wealth as the epitome of the American dream makes him lose sight of the truly important issues, such as the ability to reconnect with others and move the relationships forward. As a result, due to his refusal to recognize the superficiality of wealth and his inability to accept change, he ultimately becomes the representation of the failure of the American dream.

Remarkably, the novel admits that, on the surface, pursuing the American dream does lead Gatsby to one of his goals, namely, the one of reaching a valued social status. Superficially, Gatsby’s life appears to be quite satisfying: “It’s a lot easier to be morally upright when you’re not pinching and scraping to make a living” (Fitzgerald, 1925). However, delving further into the story of his relationships with other swill show that he is deeply dissatisfied and depressed: “Rich people only ever get richer, they don’t get happier” (Fitzgerald, 1925). The plethora of wealth that he possesses and that represents him achieving the American dream do not make Gatsby happy. Thus, the novel makes it evident that the American dream in its superfluous nature failed those who sought to attain it.

Since Gatsby seeks to maximize his wealth and relish in the memories of the past, fearing to connect with people and accept inevitable change in their relationships, Great Gatsby becomes the representation of the failed American dream. Gatsby embodies the core elements that make the infamous American dream dysfunctional. As a result, Gatsby is portrayed as a tragic and somber character that chose the path leading to his ultimate demise.


Fitzgerald, F. S. (1925). The Great Gatsby

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