Features of Post-Colonial Literature


The post-colonial literature which is also referred to as the new English literature is an art of writing that specifically targets issues to do with the process of decolonization or the freedom of people that had been previously subjected to colonial rule. These modes of writing also try to correct and critique writers whose writings contain colonial undertones or try to contain racist notions that may influence the reader. This type of literature does the process of reviewing written works that may have contained errors in terms of the message and tries to rewrite the previous work to eliminate any colonial or racist undertones that may have been contained in the writings.

Colonialism was the process where strong countries or communities exploited the less or weaker communities for economic benefit and wealth increment. Post-colonial literature can be identified by the presence of the following factors; the writing should analyze social and cultural erosion, the written work should contain instances of abuse of power and exploitation, the writing should analyze the aspect of colonial differentiation and alienation, and lastly is the use of English literature. When regarding post-colonialism, the writing should follow the transition of the society and the changes that occur in the process.

Features of postcolonial literature

The term post-colonialism is a helpful analytical term that tries to review the aftermath of colonization as well as the struggle for independence. The effects of colonialism comprise social and political changes. In an attempt to eliminate foreign rule, the native people underwent a long process of liberation before having the freedom they so much yearned for. Post-colonial literature contains in it a cultural identity that in that one is left to predict the outcome of the place and people after the achievement of freedom. Some of the questions that are triggered by post-colonialism writings are; what will happen now that independence has been achieved, can the cultural differentiation return to its original state now that social and cultural changes have occurred?

The book ‘A Grain of Wheat’ is a book that close analyzes the state of emergency and the struggle for independence in Kenya. The plot of the novel revolves around one Mugo who lives with so many past secrets that have come to haunt his present. This comes at a time when the country is preparing to celebrate the transition of power from the colonial government after a long struggle for independence. Another event taking place at the time is the planned execution of the traitor who had collaborated with the colonial government that led to the murder of Kihika a local hero. The book attempts to indulge the reader in the need for a system that restores the original culture of the people (Thiong’o 1986).

Postcolonial London reviews the transformation process of London as a city according to how Asian, Caribbean, and South Pacific writers first viewed the process. The book critically analyzes the cultural history of resistance against prejudice and racist discrimination in the post-colonial city. The struggle for independence in this city by the migrants of the city and their descendants signifies their determination, imagination, and creativity. The book further explores the social-cultural transformation of the people as well as the city in the course of the liberation struggle. Postcolonial London is composed of post-colonial literature that identifies the theorizations of the city, metropolitan culture, and multicultural transformation of the city in recent years.

Critic aspect

The main features of postcolonialism are the criticism of the term itself. Literature research suggests that postcolonialism writers seldom use the term in their writing. However, postcolonial literature does not revolve around colonialism but also dwells in cultural transition and differentiation. Post-colonial scholars have been identified to be part of the larger group of individuals who expose the struggle of local inhabitants against racial prejudice and exploitation by large rich nations. Some critics however argue that the term post-colonial literature should be used to refer to the written works that were written after colonization.

In the man-eater of Malgudi, the plot of the story revolves around an Indian printer named Nataraj and who lives a modest life (Narayan 1983). The story exhibits the exemption from relying on colonization issues but tries to explore the cultural diversity and social ills that exist in the community. Vasu who is a constant barrier towards the progression of Nataraj Press in the story dies in a rather humorous way when trying to kill a mosquito with his strong hands. The story ends with the feeling that all monsters lead to their downfall.

The book Beginning Postcolonialism provides an overview of the emergence of postcolonialism and goes further to review and criticize post-colonial writings by different authors. The first part of the book revised the transition process from the commonwealth to postcolonialism. This comprises the general definition of the term as well as the dangers and benefits of such writing. This is because postcolonial writings affect the general ideology of an individual regarding matters to do with culture and ethnic differentiation.

Cross-cultural aspect

Another feature of post-colonial writing is that postcolonial texts bring together cross-cultural works which bring together different literary traditions and cultural groups. For instance, one of the most popular writers in India displays remarkable knowledge on the process of the struggle for independence during the colonial period a concept that is often ignored by most modern scholars. Another writer who is also from the country is an aggressive critic of postcolonialism despite his origin which is from the Indian laborers in Trinidad. This cross-culture aspect causes the writer to be identified as being an opponent more than being an ally of post-colonial literature.

Historical aspect

Another main feature of post-colonial literature is that it deals with past events. The colonial period brought along foreign cultural practices to the indigenous inhabitants of the colonized regions. Most historical events offer a sense of unity and commonality or the one that helps individuals in a community or group exhibit continuity in terms of cultural beliefs and practices. These events are what defined the future of a community or a country during the colonial period and play a significant role in the current state of the same

The book Cultural Diversity and Diaspora explains the process of identity formation in the past and how it affects the modern world. The book does extensive research on multicultural societies where the term refers to radicalized differences up to a certain extent in many nations. An example of radicalization in the European continent is the Greek people who are racially discriminated in multicultural segments. The book Letters from Whetu tries to create awareness that the world is large and that people need to be culturally responsive and conscious. The book brings out the aspects of cultural differentiation and dynamism and as one reads across the book, the social and cultural factors affecting the indigenous inhabitants are brought out (Grace 1980).

Patriotic aspect

Another feature of post-colonial literature is the patriotic aspect. One factor that is displayed in the patriotic aspect of postcolonial literature is nationalism which is the strong feeling of identity to a certain individual or group with political intent. It is the general belief that a certain individual or group is entitled to be in power or control. Nationalism is sometimes seen as inapplicable in some instances since it sometimes calls for the expulsion of foreigners. The most possible identifiers or terms associated with nationalism are the differentiation in terms of language, race, religion, and other social constructs.

In the book a grain of wheat, the book clearly expressed the political situation at the time. This was during the period when the country was struggling to liberate itself from colonial rule. The citizens of the country were preparing to celebrate Independence Day in the country after a long struggle for freedom. In the process, many freedom fighters who believed in a common course that is to be free from the colonial rule were killed. Political parties were also formed to take over the colonial government. In the book On National culture, the writer reviews the aspect of national identity with respect to nationalism. National identity is vital to the emergence of a third world revolution. Although the concept of nation has been unfairly used to characterize colonial subjects, the term has a deeper meaning of solidarity and unity.

Gender aspect

Another main feature of postcolonial writing is gender issues and matters to do with sexual discrimination. On the issue of gender, the grain of wheat has been criticized due to its representation of the female gender as the weaker sex. Although the writing is admired for its relentless critique of colonial and neo-colonial practices, the representation of women is often seen as negative. In most writings, the woman emerges as the inferior gender specifically playing a subjective role in relation to the much stronger male counterpart. In relation to these, the book cannot be said to be acting in giving preference to a particular gender but it was a cultural practice for the woman to play a subjective role in a normal household in a traditional African household.

In the book, the woman as a nation, the representation of Ireland as a female character has been met with sharp criticism. Critics argue that the characterization of a nation as a female figure is extremely problematic figure. However, women and nations have been found to be used in a configurable manner. In countries such as Ireland, the use of feminine national icons is still applicable. This is because the women in the country stand to gain the most from the process of decolonization.

Political aspect

Post-colonial writings also review the political aspect at the time in history when they were written. In the book A Grain of wheat, the political aspect at the time is detailed in the general plot of the book. This is because the story is set during the state of emergency in Kenya when the general political temperature in the country was high. The plot analyzes different individuals who betray their fellow countrymen to the British government in exchange for political favors. One such person is Mugo who was previously viewed as a hero after his preventing a guard from beating a pregnant woman to death but this changes when Mugo betrays a freedom fighter in an attempt to save him.

Political activism is one important segment discussed in Beginning Postcolonialism (McLeod 2000). The book explores the various writings that incorporate postcolonialism literature in their writing. Political activism is a key factor in almost all the writings reviewed in the book. The activity of political activism was what led to the gaining of independence after a long struggle by many countries under colonial rule. The reason why most of the people were subjected to colonial rule is because of the lack of an organized system of leadership. The colonialists used this weakness to assert their power in their respective colonies. However, political activism and people exhibiting unity in ideology helped many people subjected to colonial rule gain independence.

Landscape aspect

In most post-colonial literature, the representation of a landscape or the place is generally in line with the time in history that an event occurred. One can be able to tell the time in history that a time was written according to how the landscape is represented in the writing. An example of this is the book post-colonial London that gives the general landscape of the city. During the time, people were traveling by foot rather than by coach. From this, one can deduce the social geography of the place since the time that is being described is probably the industrialization period that initiated the growth of urban centers. Also from the book ‘A grain of wheat’ the general landscape of the country was that of a serene country with many geographical features and climate. The reason why the country was preferred by the colonizers was because of its good and favorable climate. At the time, the colonizers occupied the wetlands which were known as the ‘White Highlands’. These areas were found to do well in terms of climate conditions that favored farming the main economic activity in the country.

In the book ‘The man-eater of Malgudi, the setting is in a fictional town of Malgudi in India. The plot revolves around the lives of the main character Nataraj and Vasu a man who relocates to Malgudi in search of a better life. History on the other hand is critically analyzed in the book ‘The grain of wheat’. The book closely follows events that shape the countries current and future position both politically and socially. This is because Independence Day in the country is one of the most important historical events that happen in the country.

Review aspect

An important feature of postcolonial writing is reviewing written works by other writers to try and simplify and revise the original writings by different authors. The nature of the language used in most post-colonial literature is that it is written to suit the average reader. Unlike most of the previous writings which some of which were written in native language languages, post-colonial literature is written in such a way that its message is not limited to a specific reader segment? The book by John McLeod which combines the writing of various writers simplifies the aspect of language complexity and tries to make adjustments and translate some of the writings. A book like ‘The man-eater of Malgudi’ may create a serious challenge due to its use of native words.

Cultural integration aspect

Most colonial writings review different writings and their cultural significance in the world today. This cultural integration of individuals was what led to the achievement of the liberation of people that they so much fought for. The exchange of cultural practices also led to a complex and dynamic generation growth. Most books on postcolonialism critically analyze the aspect of Diaspora among the writing of various authors. An example of this is ‘From Post-colonial to Commonwealth. Another book that displays this is the book ‘The Woman as a Nation. This book tries to display the superior side of a woman away from the general belief that the female gender is the weaker gender in society.


Grace, P. (1980), Letters from Whetu, New York: Longman Paul.

McLeod, J. (2000), Beginning post colonialism, New York: Manchester University Press.

Narayan, R.K. (1983), the man-eater of Malgudi, New York: Penguin.

Thiong’o, N. (1986), a grain of wheat, Nairobi: Heinemann.

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