Post-Colonialism Criticism: Emphasis on Nations

The connection between colonizers and colonized populations is commonly the subject of post-colonial literary critique, with particular emphasis on nations that have earned independence from colonial empires across the world. In addition, post-colonial criticism examines whether a literary document sustains or undermines colonial values. Although post-colonial critique can be comparable to cultural and social studies, it implies a distinct viewpoint on literature and politics that requires its study. Post-colonial critics are particularly interested in literature created by colonial powers and writings generated by individuals who were colonized.

Authority, economics, government, theology, and culture are all investigated in connection to colonial dominance in post-colonial studies. It is feasible to state that this field of research and criticism is essential for historical examinations since it provides an understanding of the relationships between financially powerful and weak countries. The strongest European countries can be considered the main colonizers that impacted the development and background of populations in various parts of the world.

Concerning a particular phenomenon that the post-colonialism criticism framework explores, to my mind, it is feasible to emphasize social structures and hierarchies. Instead of praising European colonists’ pioneering attitude as they enhanced their area of influence, this critique examines the circumstances that resulted in violence and enslavement. The position of Western literature and history as dominating modes of knowledge formation is also questioned by post-colonial studies. Consequently, this examination field highlights social hierarchies that emerged between the colonizers and the colonized people. Post-colonialism criticism states that in order to properly and fairly analyze colonialism and related to its events, it is compulsory to consider literature and evidence of the authors and individuals from the colonized nations. Thus, I suppose this perspective is referred to the inclusion of various sources of information to establish credibility.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 9). Post-Colonialism Criticism: Emphasis on Nations.

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