FIFA, Zidane and Materazzi 2006 Debacle

The three parties involved each handled the case differently. FIFA punishing both players was fair and helped them preserve their image and pass on a solid message against emotional and physical abuse. They reminded players that violence and unbecoming behavior on the field would not be tolerated. However, the punishment seems to have affected Materazzi more than Zidane since he was retiring, which seemed unfair. Zidane holding a press conference and apologizing for letting down his fans by acting violently and still holding his ground that his actions were justified was graceful and resonated with his fans (Press Association, 2020). Materazzi’s strict assertions that he did not insult Zidane and the violence was uncalled for and may have hurt him more than helped him. The tension in the field before the head-butt was evident, and he’s claiming he was innocent made him look unapologetic, and he is more likely to be a repeat offender.

Zidane’s publicist should have revealed this as a simple case of bullying. Since the most significant concern was how the younger generation perceived him, he should have reminded them to stand for themselves when their honor or dignity was challenged. Similarly, he should have reminded the bullies that emotional torture can have worse effects than physical torment. Conclusively, he should have condemned violence but praised standing for himself and preached against bullying. For Materazzi, he should have gracefully accepted the punishment, apologized for the error of his ways, and condemned the violence. As grown men who are looked up to by society, they should not be throwing punches around. This would have made him look gracious and apologetic but also sincere. Finally, FIFA should have punished both players equally. Emotional abuse and physical abuse are both serious issues, and both offenders should be punished equally. The punishment offered hurt Materazzi more than it did Zidane.


Press Association. (2020). Zinedine Zidane “Would Rather Die” Than Apologize to Marco Materazzi. The Guardian.

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