Financial Statement Data: The Target Corporation and the Walmart Corporation

As the companies in question, the Target Corporation and the Walmart Corporation, are involved, and their income statements and balance sheets are analyzed. Relevant income indicators are displayed for both companies, which makes their reports similar. However, Target summarizes the information in a more concise form (charts and graphs) (“2020 annual report: Target Corporation,” 2021). Walmart shows data in a more expanded form without schematic models (“Walmart: 2022 annual report,” 2022). As a result, Target’s report is more readable than that Walmart’s.

Similarities in balance sheets are contained in the variety of data presented to display different parameters of financial development. In both documents, indicators of different years are mentioned, which makes it possible to identify the dynamics of growth or, conversely, regression. In addition, several years of data are presented in two reports to show real outcomes. At the same time, the key difference in the data under consideration lies in the order in which the information is displayed. Target groups individual metrics into small categories, such as taxes or leases (“2020 annual report,” 2021). Walmart provides larger benchmarking tables with more metrics (“Walmart,” 2022). Therefore, in addition to the timing of the balance sheets, their content is different.

From an investor interest perspective, the individual data from the two reports are noteworthy. Sales rates of both corporations are essential to evaluate to determine the market success of their activities. Target offers valuable sales statistics by product category, which can help determine the most profitable investment direction (“2020 annual report,” 2021). Walmart, in turn, describes the prospects for the development of subsidiaries in more detail, which contributes to identifying new areas for investment (“Walmart,” 2022). Thus, despite the similarity of reporting documents, both corporations utilize some distinctive data display mechanisms.


2020 annual report: Target Corporation. (2021). Target Corporation. Web.

Walmart: 2022 annual report. Walmart Inc. Web.

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