Fitbit Promotion: B2B Strategy & Digital Marketing Success

In the recent wake of healthy lifestyle habits, Fitbit is likely to gain a significant amount of attention once it is marketed appropriately. The choice of a promotion strategy and the channels that will be used to ensure consistent communication with target audiences will define the project’s success in the global environment. At present, the adoption of a business-to-business (B2B) marketing approach and the use of digital marketing channels such as e-mail, content, and social media marketing, will have to be considered as a necessity. The combination of the selected tools will help target the chosen population and position the product in the way that will enhance its competitive advantage.

Channel Levels

The use of the B2B strategy is justified by the necessity to have a partner that could serve as a mediator between the project and its target audience. At the current stage, the application of a B2B approach is needed for two key purposes. The first and most obvious, “Fitbit” needs objective feedback, which a business partner will eagerly provide. Unlike customers, companies will give a detailed and honest response to Fitbit, outlining its problems and pointing to the areas that require further improvements. Thus, the B2B channel level is essential in improving the product quality and maintaining a competitive advantage. Furthermore, the specified framework will allow attracting customers faster (Hall, 2017). Therefore, the use of the B2B channel must be seen as a necessity.

Needs of the Target Market

As stressed above, the levels of awareness concerning a healthy lifestyle and current threats to people’s health condition determine the success of Fitbit in the target market. The audience whose needs the project aims at meeting requires additional opportunities for customizing their experience of fitness exercises. Additionally, buyers require high quality and consistent feedback, which is exactly what Fitbit has to offer. Therefore, the product is bound to be of significant use to the audiences representing the target market.

The target market also requires a customer-friendly interface that is easy to understand and navigate. Customization of a user’s experience must imply opportunities for making exercises adjustable to the unique physical characteristics of buyers. Since Fitbit was designed to provide original customer experiences, the product will fill the identified niche perfectly.

Digital Commerce

However, to accomplish the goal of meeting the requirements of the identified population, one will have to transfer the key business processes to the online environment. For this purpose, the principles of e-commerce will have to be deployed. It is strongly suggested that the project should be based on the active use of social networks. The latter will help to keep customers informed about the latest changes in the product, as well as provide buyers with an opportunity to communicate with the company directly (Johnsen, 2017). As a result, the project managers will receive detailed feedback about Fitbit and the experiences that people will have with it. The use of e-mails as the tool for keeping the communication with clients consistent should also be seen as a necessity.


Fitbit is a unique product that is likely to make customers’ experience in managing their physical exercises much more pleasant and effective. However, the successful promotion of Fitbit to the specified demographic will require the use of a B2B distribution channel and the adoption of e-commerce. The proposed strategies will help the project build a competitive advantage that will set it apart from its competitors and attract the attention of target buyers. As a result, the project will meet the needs of its customers successfully and receive a powerful impetus for further improvements.


Hall, S. (2017). Innovative B2B marketing: New models, processes and theory. New York, NY: Kogan Page Publishers.

Johnsen, M. (2017). Multilingual digital marketing: Managing for excellence in online marketing (5th ed.). New York, NY: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 26). Fitbit Promotion: B2B Strategy & Digital Marketing Success.

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