Florence Nightingale’s Environment Theory

Major Concepts

  • Nursing – Creation of The Best Conditions
  • Human Beings Are Linked with Environment
  • Environment Is the Most Critical Factor
  • Health Is the Primary Goal of Nursing
  • Health Promotion Is Important to Prevent Illness

Florence Nightingale’s Environment Theory is a nursing theory with a key focus on environmental factors. According to the author, the correct setup of these influences ensures that a patient recovers quickly and naturally (Gonzalo, 2019). She believed that the overall healing process is solely dependent on outside factors, and all people possess the capacity to become healthy with some assistance (Medeiros et al., 2015). In addition, the theory established that health is the only goal of nursing, and therefore, nurses should also be involved in health promotion activities to prevent illnesses from arising.

The Framework of the Environmental Theory

  • Ensuring Proper Levels of Noise, Air, and Ventilation
  • Nutrition is Critical for the Recovery Process
  • Bedding and Light are the Essential Requirements
  • The health of Houses and Variety Necessities
  • Chattering Hopes and Cleanliness – Part of Support

The theory possesses ten key elements regarding the overall environment of a patient. According to the author, a patient should not be interrupted during his or her sleep because the latter is an essential part of recovery. This should be supplemented by proper ventilation to remove any foul odors. Proper and sufficient nutrition is another critical factor in the recovery process. The author believed that sheets must be replaced frequently, and the bed needs to be placed in the lightest part of the room because both components promote healing (Gonzalo, 2019). The overall construction design of the building should promote the mentioned factors, and patients, who are staying for longer, require variety in the form of colors, such as paintings. The overall cleanliness of the environment is paramount for recovery, and a nurse must always support a patient by telling good news only.


Gonzalo, A. (2019). Florence Nightingale: Environmental Theory. Nurselabs. Web.

Medeiros, A. B. A., Enders, B. C., & Lira, A. L. B. D. C. (2015). The Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory: A critical analysis. Reflection, 19(3), 518–524.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Florence Nightingale’s Environment Theory." March 20, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/florence-nightingales-environment-theory/.


StudyCorgi. "Florence Nightingale’s Environment Theory." March 20, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/florence-nightingales-environment-theory/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Florence Nightingale’s Environment Theory." March 20, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/florence-nightingales-environment-theory/.

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