Four Horsemen is a 2012 documentary that was written and produced by Ross Ashcroft. The movie revolves around a fractional reserve banking system, an economy that is based on debts and politicization of major issues in regard to the culture and formulas that are evident in the western world. The film has pressed on the war against terrorism, which the director feels is not combatted to mitigate the pressure of Al-Qaeda and other threat-centric organizations (Ashcroft, 2012). There is high sensitization of classical economics and modernism in terms of standards for doing various aspects of life in the film. In my opinion, the most important mega-trend for the future of international business shown in the documentary is a revolution in need to change the world fiscal policies that prevent economic disparity.
Analysis of the Mega Trend
In the movie, Ashcroft has put a clear agenda that can be seen evidently as one watches the film. There is a significant relation between the current world of disparities resulting from decisions that people in power make. This happens due to the impunity and the power of globalization that has allowed innovation to be key in all aspects. Revolution is one of the major issues that the film focuses on when it comes to having a swift approach to the economic models undertaken globally (Ashcroft, 2012). By realizing issues that have led to the current financial crisis, an audience can grasp core elements that need to be addressed as long as human anatomy is concerned. In the movie, it is clear that microservices architecture has been embraced on various points. For example, there are incidents where policies that guide the remittance of money and also the acquisition of drastic power on money circulation can be seen. By use of computers, there is a need to prevent the economy from falling by integrating the relevant aspects of commerce.
The revolution is notably presented in the film whereby; the director has expressed the dragging factor known as socialism for the rich. The crooked finance and poverty that are catalyzed by the ecological change are major issues that show there is a likelihood of revolution when the world needs to be at economic peace (Ashcroft, 2012). The reader can understand that there is a need to unveil bold protocols and solutions. Hence, the revolutionary cues targeted to mitigate the risk of the economic crisis in most parts of the world. The suggestions that are seen in the movie from the director’s perspective are that banking and rampant capitalism must be checked expressly (Ashcroft, 2012). That would ensure that the world can safeguard most of its monetary resources, which will enable the smooth running of the economy.
When one is watching the movie, it is clear that some countries, such as the US, have changed since the Great Depression from the perspectives of idealism and libertarianism. There is an important concept that the author is trying to communicate. That is classical economics and advocating the end of an era where the world is characterized by debt and non-regulatory elements that affect the economy (Ashcroft, 2012). The director is critical to root all the problems under one block: the governing bodies. Without paying much attention to what strategies must be used, it can be hard to control some models that require a reasonable function in establishing economic strengths. The change required in this matter is adopting policies that guide the management of resources that are primary and key to the push for a balanced economy.
Through the revolutions, they are expected to be part of economic models that will change the world. Some issues, such as poverty, will not be realized due to the value chain analysis that shall be conducted in major enterprises that drive the country’s portfolios. Although it seems that some lies contradict the truth, Ashcroft has made an exemplary masterpiece that has gone beyond the expectations of most of the country’s developing zones (Ashcroft, 2012). Many directions show the concern for a revolution marked by change institutionalization of a given country’s credit and information-sharing organizations. The film has shown the world’s problems, and through that, the solution can be developed through critical thinking by researchers and lobby groups.
To understand Four Horsemen, they need to be logical about the main points being expressed as long as the economy and commerce in the cultural world are concerned. In my opinion, the mega trend that the director wants to put in the movie involves the revolution for a better world through systemic alteration of banking and political factions that control the economy. The film shows that cloud services will be a key determinant when in need to control and combat economic disparities in the future. The film is an epitome of a long journey to fighting developmental constraints that are faced by countries economically. For new companies, it is essential to check the ideas presented in the film as one way to build a sustainable future when it comes to economic issues.
Ashcroft, R. (2012). Four Horsemen (Film). United Kingdom; Motherlode.