Frankfurt Book Fair Highlights and Strategic Insights for Douglas & McIntyre

The Frankfurt Book Fair is the best forum for aiding D&M to gain a foothold on the European market, and further expanding D&M’s book market prospects in Europe beyond the partnership with the imprint Grey Stone Books of the UK. The Frankfurt Book Fair is not only a venue for meeting fellow publishers and networking with other sales representatives of different publishing companies in the world, but the Fair is also the best forum for understanding and gaining insight on market trends in the worldwide publishing industry (Moeran 140).

Market trends concerning the shift from paperback to digital books, the importance of the reading habits of the younger generation on the future of publishing, and the best new and emerging markets are all information that is best gleaned from the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The Frankfurt Book Fair fits the publishing mandate of D&M since the Company is keen on both national and international publishing. The Book Fair is widely acclaimed as the best venue for meeting agents and publishers from all over the world (Felici 3). D&M’s publishing mandate is to move beyond national publishing into the realm of international publishing, and the Frankfurt Book Fair is the appropriate forum for gaining insights and facts on the international book publishing industry.

D&M’s book catalogue for 2011offers a wide array of books that showcase the Canadian experience to the world and the Frankfurt Book Fair offers the best avenue for highlighting Canada’s values and culture through books. With books such as Man in motion, the story of Rick Hansen; one of Canada’s most famous sons and Patriot Hearts, Inside the Olympics That Changed a Country; a story of the 2010 winter Olympics and how it united the Canadian nation, the Book Fair fits the marketing opportunities that the catalogue envisages. Given the high number of book agents (over 7,000) and journalists who set camp, the Frankfurt Book Fair is undoubtedly the best singular marketing venue for D&M’s books.

Works Cited

Felici, James. “The Changing Face of the Frankfurt Book Fair.” Seybold Report: Analyzing Publishing Technologies 7.22 (2007): 3-7.

Moeran, Brian. “The book fair as a tournament of values.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 16.1 (2010): 138-154.

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