Frederick Douglass, a Social Reformer of America

Born in Tuckahoe (Talbot County), Frederick Douglass had to endure undue slavery. Frederick’s mother (Harriet Bailey), a black woman, was married to a white man. Frederick says that it was rumored that the white man, supposed to be his father, was also his master (Douglass). He could not tell of his accurate age as there was no reliable record of it, just like all the other slaves. Generally, the knowledge slaves had of their age was as little as horses knowing their ages.

Frederick Douglass was a known social reformer in America, an orator, abolitionist, writer, and statesman. His education was enabled by his master’s wife and himself (Britannica, 2021). He rose through the ranks and became the head of the abolitionist movement in New York and Massachusetts after escaping slavery (History, 2021). Douglas was also known for his perseverance in the campaign to end slavery. He wrote about the events that happened both before and after the Civil War.

Additionally, he advocated for the development and protection of women’s rights. As a result, he held several public offices. In 1848 he became the first African-American to attend a Women’s Rights Civil War, and he was subsequently nominated as the first African-American Vice President has been a great advisor of the President (Britannica, 2021).

I chose Frederick Douglass because of his excellent history during and after the era of slavery. He stands as a unique character whose traits go far beyond comparison with other slaves of his time. He was a black American born into slavery to serve his master, who happened to be his father. As a child, he grew up in an environment of hardship and unavailability of freedom. Additionally, he witnessed the brutal acts of his master, who enjoyed subjecting Frederick’s aunt to corporal punishments (Douglass).

Interestingly, despite all these factors that clearly would be considered obstacles and detrimental to a child’s life, Frederick stood out to be unique with ambitions. He stood out in to fight against slavery and the abolitionists during his time contended that Douglass was a living example of the few people who opposed the allegations that slaves did not have the intellectual capacity to function independently as the citizens of America.

Moreover, as opposed to the approaches used by most revolutionists, Douglass believed in making dialogues and forming alliances both in the ideological and racial sectors and in the liberal values of the United States as well. Whenever he faced criticism, he would respond by stating that he would join forces with anybody to do something right. He would go on to state that he could not conspire with anyone to do wrong. His talents led to the rise of antislavery views, giving the black slaves a voice of command (Britannica, 2021).

The story of Frederick’s life is the epitome of a life of slavery. He was mistreated by his master. His life portrays the brutal treatments and injustices that slaves were subjected to. It also indicates the state of indignity among the masters, domination of the slaves by the masters making them property, and ignorance of most slaves. Further, Frederick indicated the short and weak arm of the law during the regimes of slavery; slaves were shot and murdered, yet no legal arrest or judicial action was taken.

Works cited

“Frederick Douglass”. HISTORY, 2021, Web.

Britannica. Learn about the life of Frederick Douglass and his role in the American Civil War and Reconstruction, 2021.

Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Boston: Anti-Slavery Office, 1845.

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