French Communication Pattern and Listening Habit

Effective communication is extremely important to ensure successful business relation. Multiple factors need to be taken into consideration when approaching business partners from other companies and particularly from other countries. I believe that to approach a businessperson from another country, it is essential to try to predict the challenges that may arise in the communication and interaction processes. These challenges most often concern the partners’ cultural and communication characteristics, tendencies, and patterns. For example, there are certain views and beliefs common among French people that have to be respected by colleagues and partners from other countries.

For instance, one may consider giving a gift to their French partner to be a friendly gesture that will help to establish a close and productive relationship. However, they need to be aware of the fact that gifts are usually given in odd numbers in France, with an exception of the number 13, which is considered to bring bad luck. In addition, it is uncommon to give certain flowers to older people in France, so this should also be taken into account. The French communication pattern is also based on direct and honest conversations, so I would try to be direct and open.

As for their listening habit, French people tend to be patient and careful when listening to other people talk; at the same time, they can get annoyed when others interrupt them. That is why I would be respectful, patient, and attentive during the conversation. According to Lewis’s multi-dimensional behaviour model, intercultural communication should be built with sufficient emphasis and attention to the other culture’s common mindset (“Lewis model – Dimensions of behaviour,” 2015). Therefore, intercultural aspects are essential and can make a significant contribution to the development of the business and its relationship with its foreign partners.


The Lewis model – Dimensions of behaviour. (2015). Cross Culture – Know culture for better business. Web.

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