Functional Differences between the Right and Left Cerebral Hemispheres

Functional asymmetry of the brain’s cerebral hemispheres is currently considered one of the main factors determining the individual characteristics of human cognitive activity. It is widely believed that the left and right hemispheres are different, control certain aspects of cognitive functions and determine certain personality traits. However, the division of the hemispheres is often misunderstood, which is why it is important to pay more attention to the functional difference between them.

There is a widespread myth among the general public that the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, while the right one is responsible for emotions. Research on the topic was difficult until the 1960s, when scientists established that the left brain was better at language and rhythm while the right brain was better at emotions and melody (Brennan, 2021). Even though it does not separate the hemispheres completely, the theory remains popular due to the lack of education and the desire to simplify complex processes.

The human brain is divided into areas called lobes, each of which defines the brain’s functions to special areas. The millions of stimuli that our brain processes are not clearly oriented and do not separate the work of the left or right hemispheres (Brennan, 2021). Nevertheless, the difference between the functions of the left and right hemispheres still exists. It lies in the fact that each hemisphere receives information mainly from the opposite side of the body. From a scientific point of view, the difference is only in the areas controlled by the brain but not in the whole processes taking place in the left and right hemispheres.

Critical thinking

From all of the above, it follows that the topic of studying the functions of the cerebral hemispheres is necessary for a better understanding of brain processes and dispelling popular myths about its work. False concepts can lead not only to confusion among the public but also to a potential slowdown in medical examinations. This work refuted popular misconceptions and gave a more accurate general idea of the work of the cerebral hemispheres.


Brennan, D. (2021). The Difference Between the Left and Right Brain. WebMD Editorial Contributors. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 9). Functional Differences between the Right and Left Cerebral Hemispheres.

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StudyCorgi. "Functional Differences between the Right and Left Cerebral Hemispheres." March 9, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Functional Differences between the Right and Left Cerebral Hemispheres." March 9, 2023.

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