Fund-Raising Art Sessions to Help Refugees


A complex world situation has aggravated the past few years with many conflicts and disasters. Many people lose their homes and become forced refugees seeking shelter and protection. People from Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine come to Canada in search of a more peaceful life.


However, even though they escape from most of the dangers, they still face many difficulties and obstacles on their way to a new life. Among them, first of all, are problems with finding housing and integrating into society (Oudshoorn et al., 2020). In addition, refugees are more vulnerable in terms of health, especially in the context of major illnesses such as the COVID-19 pandemic (Edmonds & Flahault, 2021). The support of these people in these two areas is the main reason for this event, in which we are launching a series of masterclasses in the field of art. With our help, you can donate money to refugees in need in exchange for the opportunity to learn new creative skills.

Use of Money

Our workshops are a series of short sessions that require a minimum $5 deposit to participate, with no cap on the maximum amount of money. The more you donate, the more people you can help! This donation gives event participants access to one of the many lessons. They can be taken in an unlimited sequence and any number of times, subject to availability. The money received in this way will be collected into a single donation fund. These savings, in turn, will be used to help refugees with housing, integration into the Canadian community, and help with health supplies and emergencies.


To accomplish this task, event organizers will contact government-supported organizations and programs such as the Resettlement Assistance Program and Canada Collects initiative (“How Canadians can help,” n.d.). All transactions, fees, and transfer data will be publicly displayed on the event’s official website to ensure transparency.


Eberle, M. (2021). [Blue and white metal frame]. Unsplash. Web.

Edmonds, J., & Flahault, A. (2021). Refugees in Canada during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 947. Web.

Horn, M. W. (2019). [Man holding clear glass jar]. Unsplash. Web.

How Canadians can help. (n.d.). Government of Canada. Web.

Mozhvilo, E. (2021). [Yellow flowers on brown clay pot]. Unsplash. Web.

Oudshoorn, A., Benbow, S., & Meyer, M. (2020). Resettlement of Syrian refugees in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 21(3), 893-908.

Teneva, M. (2019). [Building with “Refugees welcome” signage]. Unsplash. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, July 25). Fund-Raising Art Sessions to Help Refugees.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Fund-Raising Art Sessions to Help Refugees." July 25, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Fund-Raising Art Sessions to Help Refugees." July 25, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Fund-Raising Art Sessions to Help Refugees." July 25, 2023.

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