Funding Sources for Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center

The Sources of Funding for Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center

The Adult Health Care Center requires financial resources to achieve its goals. In most agencies, funding comes from government spending, private spending, and external assistance. The primary source of funding for the Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center is Social Services Block Grants (GovTribe, n.d.). The Division of Aging Services in New Jersey distributes funding to 21 Area Agencies on Aging, which sign a contract with different service purveyors in their district. Moreover, Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center assists people eligible for Medicaid, a joint federal and state program for low-income people. According to the Division of Aging Services (2021), the center also provides social adult day care through the Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving (JACC), Adult Day Services Program for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders (AADSP), and Statewide Respite Care Program (SRCP). Therefore, most of the Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center’s revenue comes from federal sources, with Medicaid is the largest source.

An Explanation of the Agency’s Mission Statement and a Comparison to the Vatsalya Learning Agreement

Determining the company’s mission is the most important task of every company. According to information taken from the center’s official site, Vatsalya adult Daycare’s mission is to provide affordable day health care services for adults to make their lives better and meet the needs of agency members (Vatsalya Adult Day Care, n.d.). Furthermore, the aim of the center is to decrease the isolation and loneliness of the participants, which is achieved through the organization of social interaction and activities.

According to the Vatsalya learning agreement, the center’s mission is to help students develop the necessary skills so that they can effectively improve competence and gain practical knowledge in the field of social work. Thus, the Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center not only promotes adult care but also provides students with opportunities to participate in hands-on learning. Being a kind of a guide between adults and young people and providing communication between them, the agency meets the needs of both age groups.

A Description of the Organizational Structure of Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center

An efficiently organized team structure primarily determines success in caring for adults. The Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center has a functional organizational structure that, as Mantas et al. (2020) assert, categorizes people according to the function they perform in their professional life. Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center staff is headed by 3 CEOs: Brian, Sam, and Pramar. Further, the team is divided into six departments, which are managed by directors. The first department performs administrative functions; there is also a medical department, which includes a pharmacist, psychologist, nutritionist, and therapists. Moreover, Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center has a nursing department, which includes 3 Registered Nurses and 3 Certified Nursing aides, as well as a department for social work and the department responsible for activity. The team also comprises service personnel: drivers, kitchen workers, cleaning crews personal, and handy man. In total, the Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center employs 46 persons. According to Mantas et al. (2020), the main advantages of the functional organizational structure are a high degree of employees’ specialization, a clear understanding of responsibilities, and high efficiency of execution of tasks. Thus, the organizational structure plays an important role in the organization.

Furthermore, it should be noted the importance of a positive socio-psychological climate in the medical team. This contributes to an increase in the desire to work, and, consequently, the efficiency of work improves and, accordingly, a beneficial effect on adults is implemented. A warm and mutually respectful relationship is maintained within the Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center team, thanks to which the agency offers high-quality adult care services.


Division of Aging Services. (2021). Adult day social program in New Jersey: Frequently asked questions (FAQ). Web.

GovTribe (n.d.). Web.

Mantas, J., Šendelj, R., Ognjanović, I., Knaup, P., Ammenwerth, E., & Varga, O. (2020). Health information management: Empowering public health. IOS Press.

Vatsalya Adult Day Care (n.d.). Web.

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