“Future Proof Your Talent Mobility Strategy #1”: Article Analysis

Summary and Analysis of the Context

The context of the article is about internal talent mobility and accompanying benefits. The traditional talent management method is failing, forcing managers to think about talent strategy for progression (Averbook, 2021). A talent market place is an ethical, artificial intelligence-powered platform. Talent market place tends to be more limited while an opportunity market place goes wee beyond matching people with full-time roles.

Argument in the context

There is a need to develop a talent strategy that should focus on recruiting internal talent mobility before externally. The article presents an argument that due to dynamic changes, traditional talent management is failing (Averbook, 2021). Internal talent mobility will facilitate both employee’s growth journey and the company’s agility by reducing absenteeism and increasing revenues.

How the argument presents multiple views

The article presents two main arguments and uses evidence to support them. The first claim states that employees constitute the organization’s agility, while the second one is that a company enhances its employees’ growth (Averbook, 2021). As shown in the image, businesses with the best career engagement scores accumulate sufficient internal talent to meet their strategic needs (Averbook, 2021). They benefit from higher internal recruitment, which reduces recruitment costs and absenteeism, increases revenue growth per employee, and improves the ability to fill key roles.

Supporting evidence

The article presents various evidence sources to support the main argument. Fuel50 career benchmark study shows that the best career practices lead to business returns (Averbook, 2021). It is through building internal bench strength that internal talent mobility helps the organization to address strategic challenges. 2020 Pwc study also showed that it’s the idea of improving the employees resilience to face the dynamic changes (Averbook, 2021). According to Delloite, opportunity market places deliver necessary talent mobility measures (Averbook, 2021). These are the supporting sources of evidence presented in Averbook’s article.

My View of the Article

The article raises critical arguments and concerns regarding today’s workplaces. I agree with the context of the article in that internal talent is a necessity in addressing more strategic challenges (Averbook, 2021). It builds on employee’s growth journey and develops their ability to face new challenges at work, home, and in life. For example, internal talent mobility avoids layoffs and preserves an organization’s brand.


Averbook, J. (2021). Future proof your talent mobility strategy #1. Fuel50. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, August 5). “Future Proof Your Talent Mobility Strategy #1”: Article Analysis. https://studycorgi.com/future-proof-your-talent-mobility-strategy-1-article-analysis/

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StudyCorgi. (2022) '“Future Proof Your Talent Mobility Strategy #1”: Article Analysis'. 5 August.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Future Proof Your Talent Mobility Strategy #1”: Article Analysis." August 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/future-proof-your-talent-mobility-strategy-1-article-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. "“Future Proof Your Talent Mobility Strategy #1”: Article Analysis." August 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/future-proof-your-talent-mobility-strategy-1-article-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "“Future Proof Your Talent Mobility Strategy #1”: Article Analysis." August 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/future-proof-your-talent-mobility-strategy-1-article-analysis/.

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