Gender and Sexuality and Their Role in Life

The importance of studying the subjects of gender and sexuality should be discussed with regard to their role in different aspects of people’s lives. Gender is most often associated with the genital structure, reproductive system, and chromosomal set, that is, biological characteristics. At the same time, gender stereotypes in society are ideas about social roles for men and women based primarily on physical features. The so-called traditionally female characteristics are called femininity, and the male ones are called masculinity. The former is associated with emotionality, sensitivity, weakness, sacrifice, and dependence, while the latter is linked to strength, power, courage, endurance, aggression, and success. The concepts of femininity and masculinity generally define a person’s behavior, opportunities, and potential challenges due to numerous stereotypes, regulations, and biases present in different communities (Holleb 16). Therefore, inclusivity should be central when approaching this topic since creating a culturally inclusive and supportive environment for people of different genders and sexuality is critical to promote well-being in society.

Expectations of the appropriate masculine and feminine behaviors vary greatly depending on the conditions and constraints of different cultures, as well as historical periods. Attributes associated with a certain gender, from appearance to character traits, contribute to the idea of a gender role (Scarcelli et al. 14). Masculine and feminine signs are not permanent formations; they can change historically and differ in different cultures. Throughout their lives, people develop a specific gender identity, learning it from their upbringing based on the description of who they are and should be. Nevertheless, the boundaries of gender roles are becoming increasingly blurred. From a rigid set of prescriptions, the departure from which is severely punished by society, femininity and masculinity slowly begin to be perceived as means of self-expression. Each person has the right to choose what they prefer in various combinations. In this regard, traditional societal rules and expectations for women and men are constantly changing.

Therefore, it is essential to discuss the importance of gender and sexuality in modern society. A broader understanding of the problem involves such categories as sex (biological male, biological female, and intersex) and gender identity (women, men, transgender people, transsexuals, a-genders, and bi-genders) (Holleb 20). Furthermore, the notion of sexual orientation includes heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality. That is, the concept of sexual orientation applies to both women and men – they can be either heterosexual, homo, or bisexual. It is essential to differentiate between these concepts and study the impact of culture on their development in different societies. As noted by Hall et al., the essence of gender and sexuality problems lies in inequality, bias, the patriarchal system of society, and persistent stereotypes regarding people based on their role in the family, community, and state (481). Gender inequality in society implies an uneven distribution of basic resources – power, money, and time. As a result, certain populations have fewer opportunities to succeed in life due to the difference in access to resources.

Overall, the subjects of gender and sexuality should be addressed from the perspective of inclusivity to help promote equality and eliminate the negative impact of bias and stereotypes on people’s lives. The difference in cultural and historical approaches to these notions define various outcomes for society as a whole as well as different individuals. Gender and sexuality imply the difference between people as well as inequality, hierarchy, and the distribution of power embedded in gender relations.

Works Cited

Hall, Kira, et al. “Navigating Normativities: Gender and Sexuality in Text and Talk.” Language in Society, vol. 48, no. 4, 2019, pp. 481-489. doi:10.1017/S0047404519000447

Holleb, Morgan L. E. The AZ of Gender and Sexuality: From Ace to Ze. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2019.

Scarcelli, Cosimo Marco, et al., editors. Gender and Sexuality in the European Media: Exploring Different Contexts Through Conceptualisations of Age. Routledge, 2021.

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