GM’s Online Marketing: Boosting Sales Through Interactivity

The General Motor site has processes involving interaction between potential clients and this assist marketer since the recommendations advertise and assist firms to grow their market boundaries.

Advertisements of products on the site are an excellent strategy and link for enhancing sales since they have a close connection to vehicles, for instance, the vehicle-compatible iPods and mp3 players assist the firm to gain an unsavory reputation easily. Bluetooth is also a compatible product that is important for drives in case they need to communicate while driving. Lastly, the company provides links to the accessories that assist in customizing vehicles, for instance, the accessories of the 2011 Chevrolet Cruze available in their site brand section. The company’s definition of product mix therefore assists in merging neatly to the main products (vehicles).

Social sites such as Twitter and Facebook are marketing tools that provide chances of garnering popularity. The strategy attracts attention to products or services. Making the company’s sites interactive attracts the attention of online potential clients because they confidently enjoy any new posting of products they might be interested to purchase.

The General Motor site has customized information of various accessories that relate to their vehicles to capture the attention of a specific category of the audience and assist the marketer to divert from the common advertisement strategies. Their categorization of approximately nine different accessories that they offer helps to strengthen the relationship with potential clients or give extra information to market the company as a whole. When the internet users know more about the marketing company, they gunner confidence, trust, and embrace a purchasing opportunity.

Attractive marketing pictures and articles of different cars are posted on the site and new information provides an attractive feature for most site visitors, this means that the company can capture more and maintain potential clients easily. The ability to provide clients with links to more information about the company is equally a marketing advantage. The site has persuasive and encouraging marketing strategies such as availing the latest information about the business and related products as a social marketing strategy.

The company utilizes the fact that the internet’s potential clients are often dynamic and open-minded to capture any new ideas available from the virtual world. There is a significant increase in the number of people accessing the internet globally. GM marketers, therefore, include most of the common or more appropriate products for online trade such as car magazines/books, software, computer accessories, and offers besides the cars as the original products.

Car merchandisers and spares car dealers like General Motor have products that are often not available for consumers within the local markets. The online marketers, GM ensure that sites have mixed products’ details that enable online ordering and easy purchasing, convenience, and ability to compare product lines, prices as well as an easy way of paying. The General Motor website, therefore, has an easy way of capturing the attention of potential clients through car and accessories advertisements. This is a clear indication that the company can realize better returns emerging from diverse marketing strategies.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 3). GM’s Online Marketing: Boosting Sales Through Interactivity.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "GM’s Online Marketing: Boosting Sales Through Interactivity." February 3, 2021.

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