George Zimmerman and Black Lives Matter Movement

The acquittal of George Zimmerman triggered the creation of Black Lives Matter in the United States in 2012 after the killing of a black American teenager, Trayvon Martin. It was then publicly demonstrated in 2014 in the streets with the hashtag #blacklivematter on social media platforms. This after the death of Erick Garner, which occurred in New York and that of Michael Brown that was reported Missouri. Black Lives Matter established its roots overly in the year 2020 after the killing of George Floyd. His death triggered more reactions resulting in the movement’s spread globally. Black Lives Matter aimed to protect and address the discrimination that black people faced as a result of racism.

The death of George Floyd, a black American, was brutal and had evidence of police brutality. He was arrested from his car in a parking area. His death was through being pinned down by Dereck Chauvin, a white police officer. From the footage of the scenario, Dereck Chauvin is seen pressing his knee on George’s neck resulting in his death. Dereck and his fellow white police officers were ruled to be involved in the killing of Floyd. George was a black, and the police officers were Whites, and the incident was associated with brutality against Floyd’s rights. Notably, Dereck was also convicted for violating George’s civil rights.

Dereck and three other policemen faced court charges and were fired for police brutality and racism. Dereck is serving an imprisonment term for pressing his knee into the neck of an unarmed man. The punishment subjected to him included an imprisonment term and getting fired. I think fairness and justice are difficult to achieve in a society associated with racism. People of color face discrimination and racism in the daily routine from unethical personnel.

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