Germany Language and Religion

Germany is a multilingual country mainly due to the increase in immigration, internationalism, and socio-economic opportunities that drive human capital to the country. German is the official language spoken by over 95% of the residents (Sen Nag, 2017). German is a West Germanic language linguistically related to English and Dutch. It is the official language of government institutions, the media, and the education system. There are numerous German dialects divided into high and low classes. English is the second language spoken by approximately 56% of the residents (Sen Nag, 2017). English is taught as the official second language in most learning institutions. Its popularity as a second language stems from its use in business transactions in a country that serves as the region’s economic hub. Germany has a high literacy level for residents aged 15, while adults have a low literacy rate as more than six million adults struggle to write and read simple German texts (Davis, 2019). Immigration and socio-economic status are key indicators of literacy levels in the country.

Germany is a multi-religious and secular country and thus has no official religion. The country’s classification as a secular state stems from the church’s relationship with the state. Although the government has no recognized church, freedom of worship in any religion is guaranteed. Christianity is the dominant religion, with around two-thirds of the population identifying as Christians (Expatrio, 2019). The Christian church includes Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox, translating to approximately half of the residents. Other religions practiced in Germany include Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Islam is the most influential non-Christian religion accounting for 5% of the population (Expatrio, 2019). Around a third of German residents are atheists as they do not identify as part of a religious group.


Davis, A. (2019). Millions of Germans have trouble reading and writing. Deutsche Welle.

Expatrio. (2019). Religions in Germany.

Sen Nag, O. (2017). What Languages are Spoken in Germany? World Atlas.

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