Gerontological Nursing Care: Clara Plante’s Case

Clara Plante represents a person who requires comprehensive nursing care based on various attributes. The crucial factors are Clara’s biography, cultural needs, and health status. An appropriate assessment of these factors and gerontological nursing standards will create a culturally responsive environment.

In Clara’s case, it is essential to approach care from a relational perspective. It is crucial to consider Clara’s relationship with her environment to respect her unique experiences and cultural context (SRNA, 2019). The method involves developing mutual communication, respectful interaction, empathy, and understanding to provide high-quality care.

Providing culturally competent, safe, and responsive care for Clara requires recognition and resolution of the unique challenges. Recognizing the impact of colonization, residential schools, and systemic discrimination on Clara’s health and well-being is essential (Vafeas, C. & Slatyer, 2020). Clara’s cultural preferences and dietary restrictions must be considered to ensure food safety and security.

Moreover, it is vital to advocate for Clara’s equitable access to healthcare resources and conditions that affect nursing care. In this regard, recognizing and addressing ageism and disparities in care is crucial (CGNA, 2020). It is necessary to work with Clara and her community to advocate for policies and procedures that reflect the unique needs of older adults and education to ensure equitable access to healthcare resources.

In conclusion, Clara is an individual who features significant care needs with consideration of cultural background. Providing quality care involves primarily ensuring a comfortable, patient-centered environment. Furthermore, advocacy in the context of current needs will facilitate Clara’s access to necessary services.


Gerontological nursing standards of practice and competencies. (2020). CGNA. Web.

Registered nurse practice standards. (2019). SRNA. Web.

Vafeas, C. & Slatyer, S. (2020). Gerontological nursing: Aholistic approach to the care of older people. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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StudyCorgi. "Gerontological Nursing Care: Clara Plante’s Case." September 6, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Gerontological Nursing Care: Clara Plante’s Case." September 6, 2024.

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