“Googling Your Date” Article by Martha Irvine

In the past, dating suggested sharing intimate time with one’s partner, but the rules have changed. Today, it is possible to search for information about a potential lover online before becoming acquainted in person. The result of this search may vary from positive, such as similar taste in music, to negative and shocking when one’s dark secrets are revealed. Many people are willing to know as much as they can about their dates before meeting them in person so that they are prepared for possible surprises. Sometimes, it ensures better results, and couples build strong relationships based on common interests. Nevertheless, there may be shocking revelations about others, as far as their peculiar preferences are concerned. At the same time, similar names can impede proper search and present invalid results. Overall, an online background check is useful, but it needs to be used accurately and carefully.

In her article “Googling Your Date,” Martha Irvine provides an interesting insight into how modern technology has altered people’s dates. One can easily agree that there is much information available online on each person, and the amount remains on the increase. However, it appears possible to argue that social networks and Google are not exhaustive sources of information. Sometimes, a lack of such understanding leads to incorrect assumptions about a person. There was a woman who wanted to check her new boyfriend, and she found his old social media account. The boyfriend did not care for the content of the page, which had been abandoned for two years, but the woman decided she did not want to be with him. She thought the web page was not properly organized, making its owner not careful. The situation can be the opposite, as well, if incorrect assumptions are made regarding one’s positive image. Social media allows people to showcase the qualities they want to demonstrate while hiding their dark secrets deep inside. It is important to evaluate critically all information collected through such a web search before putting labels on a person.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, February 25). “Googling Your Date” Article by Martha Irvine. https://studycorgi.com/googling-your-date-article-by-martha-irvine/

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StudyCorgi. (2022) '“Googling Your Date” Article by Martha Irvine'. 25 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Googling Your Date” Article by Martha Irvine." February 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/googling-your-date-article-by-martha-irvine/.


StudyCorgi. "“Googling Your Date” Article by Martha Irvine." February 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/googling-your-date-article-by-martha-irvine/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "“Googling Your Date” Article by Martha Irvine." February 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/googling-your-date-article-by-martha-irvine/.

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