Writing a Grant Proposal: Key Factors to Consider

Writing a grant proposal is a challenging task. To win, the applicant should consider multiple factors. Establishment of a budget for the project and provision of an eloquent rationale supporting it are among the most important things one must take into account. In her post, Tylisha says that these areas are associated with the greatest difficulties for her. I think it may be the case with many applicants because not everyone has a clear vision of the scope of an endeavor, of what is to be done exactly and at what cost. At the same time, the budgets and significance of the grant project are usually firstly evaluated by the committee. Thus, having a clear vision of what one wants to achieve is important.

Vandenbroek (2010) suggests starting writing the proposal by visualizing the desired results of the project realization. The applicant should demonstrate the committee what impact the work has on the social environment, etc., and these effects must be significant and valuable. At the same time, one should remain realistic. Vandenbroek (2010) also recommends evaluating personal/organizational strengths and weaknesses to develop a plan which will be possible to realize.

When you have a vision of what you want to achieve, it becomes easier to identify the budget. However, the research of the background, needs, and suppliers, etc. is still required. As stated by Ward (2012), “the budget should include brief explanations of each item, including the basis for the cost listed” (p. 15). It means that the applicant’s choice should be justified and correlated with the overall mission of the project.

Overall, I consider that a winning research proposal is exclusive of any inaccuracies, i.e., in calculations, language use, and contents. The applicants thus should check the forms multiple times because errors may give a reason to think that the person/organization will be as sloppy when implementing the grant funds.


Vandenbroek, A. (2010). Grant writing without blowing a gasket. Library Media Connection, 28(6), 28-30.

Ward, D. (2012). Writing grant proposals that win. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Writing a Grant Proposal: Key Factors to Consider." November 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/grant-proposal-writing-requirements/.


StudyCorgi. "Writing a Grant Proposal: Key Factors to Consider." November 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/grant-proposal-writing-requirements/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Writing a Grant Proposal: Key Factors to Consider." November 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/grant-proposal-writing-requirements/.

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