“Great Expectations” a Book by Charles Dickens

Pip’s Feelings the Next Day After He Met Mr. Jaggers

Pip’s mood has improved the next morning after he came into possession of the unexpected fortune. However, he feels uncertain about his future and even thinks that something may happen to London before he even has a chance to get there. Pip notices that although Joe and Biddy respond enthusiastically when he mentions his future departure, they do not bring the topic up themselves. Pip feels relieved that Joe burnt his documents.

Pip starts feeling that he is above the other people in the village, he feels sorry for his neighbors as most of them do not have such bright prospects in their lives. Apart from feeling superior to others, Pip also feels compassion towards his fellow villagers and decides that in the future he will do something charitable for them.

On the Marsh

After attending the church, Pip decides to take a last walk to the marsh. During the walk, he reminisces on his encounter with the escaped convict when he was a child. Pip feels ashamed remembering those days, he wonders what happened to the convict, where he might be, but then concludes that he has probably been dead for a long time now. While walking Pip contemplates his new position, he feels that the world around him has changed and that even the cows on the marsh should behave differently as they are in the company of a rich gentleman-to-be. Pip thinks about Miss Havisham and Estella and wonders if the old lady considers marrying Estella to him.

Tired of his walk, Pip lies down on the grass and falls asleep. After Pip wakes up he sees that Joe came to the marsh too. They talk about Pip’s future and Pip says that he will always remember Joe. Joe says that he has no doubts about that, which makes Pip feel disappointed. He wishes that Joe was more emotional about Pip’s kind words and feels slightly annoyed by his brother-in-law. Pip says that he wanted to become a gentleman since he was a child. He admits that he is sorry that Joe did not learn anything from the lessons. Joe does not express any regret, he calls himself dull and says he is only good as a blacksmith.

Pip’s Argument with Biddy

Pip wishes to help Joe when he becomes the rightful owner of his fortune. However, he admits to himself that Joe is a simple man who probably will not know how to behave himself in high society. In the afternoon, Pip and Biddy go for a walk. Pip asks Biddy to improve Joe’s manners so he will be able to fit into the noble sphere and will not embarrass Pip. Biddy reacts with indignation, she says that Pip should consider Joe’s pride.

Pip becomes irritated by Biddy’s reaction, he says she is only envious of his luck and accuses her of demonstrating a bad side of human nature. Biddy explains that Joe has his pride and although he is just a blacksmith, he is good at his job and people respect him. Biddy tells Pip that she will continue doing her job and will be helping his family no matter Pip’s opinion on her. Biddy says that Pip should start acting like a gentleman if he wants to become one. Pip becomes angry at Biddy over her reaction, but at the same time, he realizes that he treated her unjustly. Pip is confused and wonders why he feels lonely and displeased when such a bright future is ahead of him.

At the Tailor’s

The day after that Pip is in a bright mood again and he makes up with Biddy. Later Pip visits Mr. Trabb, a local tailor, to buy new clothes for his journey. Pip tells Mr. Trabb about changes in his life and says that he needs new clothes. Upon hearing that Pip is a rich gentleman, the tailor begins to treat him differently right away. Mr. Trabb becomes exaggeratedly courteous to Pip and he orders the assistant boy around. The tailor asks Pip to spread the word about his shop when Pip comes to London. After this incident, Pip realizes the power of money for the first time. Pip visits other shops and everywhere the owners treat him with the difference.

Dinner with Mr. Pumblechook

Mr. Pumblechook has been waiting for Pip since he heard the news about Pip’s handsome property. Pip visits Mr. Pumblechook and asks his permission to have the new clothes sent to his house. Pumblechook is delighted that Pip makes him such an honor. He flatters Pip excessively saying that he always thought that Pip deserved his fortune, and he is constantly trying to shake Pip’s hand. As they both think that Miss Havisham is the one who bestowed Pip the property, Mr. Pumblechook is happy that he has also taken part in Pip’s future by introducing him to Miss Havisham.

He offers Pip a fine meal and wine. Mr. Pumblechook becomes carried away and talks about their long friendship, about how he loved Pip since he was a child, and that he always knew that Pip had a bright future. Although Pip realizes that Mr. Pumblechook is lying, he is flattered by his attitude, and his opinion of the man has improved. Pumblechook expresses his interest in business investment from Pip. Seeing the boy to the door, Pumblechook continues shaking his hand.

Pip Visits Miss Havisham

In a few days, Pip decides to visit Miss Havisham to express his gratitude and inform her of his soon departure. Sarah Pocket meets him at the entrance, she is astonished by his new look. Pip tells her that he wishes to see Miss Havisham before he leaves. Pip is warmly welcomed by Miss Havisham, he tells her about his luck and his further plans. Miss Havisham listens to Pip’s story with delight, and she does not dismiss Sarah Pocket, enjoying her reaction as she clearly expresses envy and resentment over Pip’s fortune. Miss Havisham tells Pip to listen to Mr. Jaggers, who has already informed her about Pip’s new life. She asks Pip if he is going to keep his name when Pip says yes she is pleased. Pip says goodbye and leaves Miss Havisham being sure that she is his secret benefactor.

Pip’s Departure

On the day of Pip’s departure, all the members of the family feel sad. Pip does not want to be accompanied to the coach by Joe, he is ashamed of Joe’s appearance and does not want to be seen with him. Pip says goodbye to Joe and Biddy and tries to look happy. However, after leaving the house he starts crying. He feels sorry that he did not let Joe accompany him, and feels that he was rude and thankless. On the coach, Pips thinks that maybe he should return back home and spend more time with his family, but he does not do so.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 26). “Great Expectations” a Book by Charles Dickens. https://studycorgi.com/great-expectations-a-book-by-charles-dickens/

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StudyCorgi. "“Great Expectations” a Book by Charles Dickens." March 26, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/great-expectations-a-book-by-charles-dickens/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "“Great Expectations” a Book by Charles Dickens." March 26, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/great-expectations-a-book-by-charles-dickens/.

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