Understanding the Gospel: Gilbert & Faulls’ Perspectives

“From Dust to Destiny” by and “What is the Gospel?” are pieces of writing that empower in that they roll out on paper what is hidden in the deepest recesses of the human soul. Each text attempts at finding the answers to the questions that sometimes plague the mind of the most devoted Christians. Referring to the relevant passages from the Bible, Greg Faulls and Gregory G. Gilbert explore the universal concepts that are inherent to humanness in relation to the divine.

Gilbert speculates on the notions of human nature, the problem of humanity, god’s solution, and human involvement into that solution (which seems to be specifically concerned with educatory aspect of the ministry’s role). Contrastingly, Faulls, among other things, studies the ideas of dust, redemption, transformation, and mission – the concepts that have practical implications for the ministry.

The questions discussed by Gilbert are intermediary steps on the way to answering the title question of the book, namely, what the Gospel is. To understand the nature of the Gospel, one must firstly understand who created the humanity and to whom the humanity is accountable. Another issue is that of the intrinsic problem with human nature: whether the humanity is troubled and in what specific ways. Thirdly, the author speculates whether god can provide a solution to this problem and whether god has already acted so. Finally, the personal inclusion of every human being in god’s salvation plan is questioned.

The answers provided by the author can be summarized in four words: “god”, “man”, “Christ”, and “response.” To understand the message of the Gospel, a person should realize that god is the creator and the power behind the universe. The trouble with humanity is the very fact that it is human (i.e., sinful). Christ, the Savior, is god’s solution to the problem of humanity’s sin: Christ’s redemption is god’s way to show he cares about the sinful humanity so as to take torture and agony to wash away their abomination. The role a person plays in their own salvation, however, is that the response is theirs to make: one should respond and accept Christ to be saved.

The short book by Faulls creates an impression of a work designed and written for practical purposes since it provides a guideline for discussion and generally focuses on the aspects of Christianity that are densely related to the duties of ministers. Still, the pattern of the Gospel message is traceable here. Faulls starts by stating the inherent problem with humans (the fact that they are made of dust and are sinful by choice) but finds a way of adopting a more optimistic view towards it. He states that, just as humans are focused on different things at varying times in their lives, god is focused on humans because he cares.

His care was the reason for him to send his son (himself) to death to atone for the humanity’s sin. After a person has let god into their lives, the transformation (the third concept discussed by Faulls) happens. God walks with people to guard their conduct and clear their souls off the temptations; god empowers people and helps them grow. The author concludes by stating every person matters to god because he has designed a certain mission, a purpose of existence for every creation of his.

The parallel between the two works is visible: both are concerned with the message of the Gospel, how it can be perceived, and how it should be applied.

The acceptance of god as the creator is at the foundation of faith, which is what the ministers preach. Their role as the nurse of souls is to direct the message of the Gospel to the believers and those who are considering becoming a believer. The acceptance of god’s power of creation comes together with accepting one’s mortality (that humans are made of dust). At that, the educatory and advisory role of the ministry is to provide support to people in crisis and strengthen their faith; the message that god loves everyone despite their (our) smallness and frailty should be communicated to the ill, bereaved, broken, depressed, abused, and lonely. It is the ministry’s duty to assure and reassure people that god cares.

Faulls’ idea of redemption and Gilbert’s notion of atonement correspond in this respect. From this, one can assume it is through the idea of redemption that god shows his love for the human beings. The role of the ministers here is to follow god’s pattern of thinking and never be indifferent. Ministers’ duties include praying for their discipleship and encourage them to put god in the center of things (i.e., develop a healthily theocentric attitude). As a more practical implication of the non-indifference message, the ministry is tasked with raising leadership for the churches and local establishments to make sure the work does not stop.

The concept of “solution” discussed by Gilbert implies that god took action at a certain point in the humanity’s existence. His action set a pattern for the discipleship to follow, which does not assume idle pastime. The good works are favored by god, who walks with the worker guarding them on their way. The most relevant application to the ministry setting is to promote action and take the lead at that.

Ministers have multiple duties in relation to promoting participation and unity in Christ. They help those who are interested in becoming a Christian make a decision and offer their help, for instance, by mentioning the salvation prayer. They preach and encourage ceremonies in the church. They give religious instructions, watch over prayers, supervise discussions and seminars, and much more. Generally, the ministry helps people make steps by taking these steps together – and act as counselors assuring people that they, too, make a difference.

They are also responsible for convincing people of their mission. Everyone is special to god: the message of the Gospel is that god loves those who acts righteously (the notion of acceptance discussed by Gilbert) and has a special mission for everyone (as asserted by Faulls). The ministry’s role is to assist in coordinating volunteers and church-based groups to serve the local communities. Ministers take part in welfare, providing services to the vulnerable populations (the impoverished, the homeless, the ill and troubled) and communicate the message of the Gospel.

To reiterate, the works are concerned with what the Gospel teaches and how to apply it to practice. In his work, Gilbert makes an emphasis on understanding the message, which is reflected in his discussion, while Faulls adopts a hands-on approach, giving the reader (and potential educator) clearer guidelines on how to follow it.


Faulls, Greg. From Dust to Destiny. The Prevailing Life, 2014. PDF e-book. Web.

Gilbert, Gregory D. What is the Gospel? Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2010.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 4). Understanding the Gospel: Gilbert & Faulls’ Perspectives. https://studycorgi.com/greg-faulls-and-gregory-gilberts-religious-writings/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Understanding the Gospel: Gilbert & Faulls’ Perspectives." January 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/greg-faulls-and-gregory-gilberts-religious-writings/.


StudyCorgi. "Understanding the Gospel: Gilbert & Faulls’ Perspectives." January 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/greg-faulls-and-gregory-gilberts-religious-writings/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Understanding the Gospel: Gilbert & Faulls’ Perspectives." January 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/greg-faulls-and-gregory-gilberts-religious-writings/.

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