Overview of Gun Control Laws in the USA: Legislative and Social Impacts

Epistemology of the Essays

People’s knowledge and understanding of the facts are based on examining, analyzing, and referring to definite sources. These sources can be examined with the help of people’s senses, perceptions, and logic. Thus, the sources of knowledge are discussed as the objects of epistemology. From this point, epistemology is effective to study and analyze the sources of knowledge to determine the most successful ones or to conclude about the certain discussed and examined concepts.

Epistemology also provides answers to the questions of how people conclude about this or that fact and which sources they discuss as credible to develop and support conclusions. As a result, to develop a definite thesis on the provided topic or to state the personal opinion clearly, it is necessary to analyze the available important information on the point and to conclude with references to the consulted sources where the supportive evidence is presented.

Thus, to focus on the discussion of such essay topics as the necessity of gun control laws and aspects of studying criminal justice, it is important to analyze the essays’ epistemology and to examine the used sources as key ones to contribute to the further knowledge of the discussed topics.

The necessity of gun control laws in the United States is one of the most controversial modern issues which are actively discussed by researchers and politicians. Referring to such sources as the articles by Jeff Golimowski and Daniel Baack, it is possible to state that there are two opposite visions of the problem. While admitting the fact that there are two contradictory opinions on the issue, it is major to analyze their credibility with references to the evidence provided in the articles by Golimowski and Baack. In his article, Golimowski states that the statistical data supports the idea that people become hesitant about their right or wrong decisions regarding the necessity of gun control laws because they hesitate while concluding about the effectiveness of guns for self-defense or for provoking crimes.

This source refers to the statistical data and real legal cases on the problem, and it is effective to develop the discussion of one side of gun control laws’ effects. Using the discussion provided by the author, it is appropriate to develop such ideas as the popularity of guns as the method of protection among the Americans, the focus of the American population on self-defense, and the ineffectiveness of gun control laws to regulate the situation adequately. However, it is impossible to conclude about the relevance of the arguments provided in the article by Golimowski without comparing them with the opinions discussed in the work by Baack.

Having analyzed the arguments by Golimowski, it is important to focus on the approach followed by Baack. In his article, Baack provides arguments to state that strict gun control laws are necessary to regulate the use of guns by many people in American society. To create or form the definite knowledge associated with the concrete problem, it is necessary to determine which arguments can be discussed as true and strong and which are weak to be discussed as relevant.

Focusing on the information and analysis provided in the articles by Golimowski and Baack, it is possible to state that the ideas presented by Baack are supported with stronger evidence, that is why his discussion is more credible. This opinion also influences the conclusion provided in the essay and the focus on the necessity to develop effective and strict gun control laws to influence the public’s opinion on the appropriateness of using guns for self-defense. Thus, the conclusion depends on the credibility and effectiveness of the empirical findings and data provided in the article by Baack.

If only two sources are used to form the definite knowledge related to the topic of gun control laws, the discussion of the aspects of studying criminal justice depends on more sources which are theoretical researches, interviews with lecturers, and educational and governmental websites. The discussion of the topic of challenges facing during the study of criminal justice should be based on the sources providing the information which can be discussed as real-life, current, and urgent about the determined period. The main idea which is stated in the essay on the topic is the message that criminal justice as the subject to study is one of the most complex areas because of numerous associated aspects but criminal justice should be studied because this field of knowledge provides a lot of career opportunities for students.

To conclude about the career opportunities and the aspects of studying criminal justice as a student, it is necessary to analyze the information provided in the Occupational Outlook Handbook and on the websites presenting the details of the career opportunities. Thus, Occupational Outlook Handbook is necessary to fix the borders of the career opportunities related to the field of criminal justice, and such online articles as “A Criminal Justice Degree Provides Many Career Opportunities” and “Major in Criminal Justice” are important to correlate the details of the study process with the real career opportunities for students.

That is why the person’s conclusion about the features of different occupations in the field of criminal justice can be based on the detailed examination of the information provided on the websites and on the associated data from the governmental websites on which the information about the career opportunities is fixed.

The next stage to receive definite knowledge on the aspects of studying criminal justice is the examination of the theoretical works such as books written by Doyle and DeLucia and Carpenter and Fulton. Even though the real-life information presented on the discussed websites is necessary to develop the discussion of the topic, the effective argument can be based only on different theoretical considerations provided by the professionals and theorists in the field of criminal justice as a profession.

However, to conclude the necessity to join the courses in criminal justice, it is necessary to refer to the opinions of the lecturers and students’ real-life experiences presented on the educational websites. The information received during the interview with the lecturer contributed to learning the details of the topic, which are available only for the persons who are connected with the field of criminal justice and associated education.

Thus, the situation of receiving the information from different sources of various types can contribute to forming the complete picture related to the definite issue or problem. That is why the knowledge is more detailed when it is based on the credible sources and effective critical thinking process necessary to analyze the data appropriately.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 14). Overview of Gun Control Laws in the USA: Legislative and Social Impacts. https://studycorgi.com/gun-control-laws-in-the-usa/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Overview of Gun Control Laws in the USA: Legislative and Social Impacts'. 14 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Overview of Gun Control Laws in the USA: Legislative and Social Impacts." January 14, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/gun-control-laws-in-the-usa/.


StudyCorgi. "Overview of Gun Control Laws in the USA: Legislative and Social Impacts." January 14, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/gun-control-laws-in-the-usa/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Overview of Gun Control Laws in the USA: Legislative and Social Impacts." January 14, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/gun-control-laws-in-the-usa/.

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