Activities and Impact of Habitat for Humanity Organizations: A Comprehensive Review

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit international organization that is also referred to as the Habitat. This organization first saw the world in 1976; it was founded in Americus, Georgia. The main objective of Habitat for Humanity is to build affordable houses for the people in need. This way the organization uses its resources in order to address the world’s problem of available housing for the impoverished communities. Habitat for Humanity operates all around the world; it includes five main offices responsible for the several areas the organization provides with affordable housing. The areas are Canada and The United States, South America and the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and Africa, Asia and the Pacific.

Habitat for Humanity emphasizes its strong Christian values. The organization refers to itself as “Christian ministry of housing”. Habitat for humanity understands that poverty has cyclic nature. Impoverished individuals are depowered and deprived of chances to pursue better life because they lack the most basic attribute of a human being – a home. Habitat for Humanity works hard to break the wicked cycle and make our world a place where everyone has a home.

A large number of individuals all around the world are in need of decent and affordable houses due to displacement, natural disasters or a variety of other causes. Habitat for humanity has multiple programs designed to address the issues of various communities regardless of where they are located, among such programs there are Women Build, Disaster Response, A Brush With Kindness, Youth and Veterans Programs (Volunteer with Habitat, n. d.).

Habitat for Humanity uses volunteer labor to build new houses (How a Habitat for Humanity Home is Built, n. d.). The land for the new housing is donated by its owners. The volunteers are gathered from all over the world through special open and private programs. Land is not the only donation that needs to be acquired before the construction of housing can start. Fundraising is a crucial part of the building process.

Habitat for Humanity requires to collect around eighty five thousand dollars in order to start a building project (How a Habitat for Humanity Home is Built, n. d.). This money is spent on design, materials, excavation, equipment, foundation, plumbing and heating among others. This way, one construction may take months or even years of preparation before it begins. Once the building has started, this process unites people of all backgrounds and walks of life. Anyone can become a volunteer and help a family in need to get a decent home. Habitat for Humanity is constantly in need of volunteers. They do not have to be construction workers. Building planners, designers, food providers are important members of the Habitat team.

For me, Habitat for Humanity became a part of life. I went through the India Habitat Program that included 400 “sweat equity” hours which were a part of my down payment. Home owners are rightful participants of the home construction process. As a result, I only had to donate 500 dollars.

I helped to build my own house and a house for other people. I also did a variety of classes among which there were interior design, house maintenance and budgeting. In addition, I also volunteered for a Habitat ReStore which is a non-profit store that sells used furniture, building equipment and materials for home improvement (Habitat for Humanity ReStores – A good deal for you, your community and the environment, n. d.).

Reference List

Habitat for Humanity ReStores – A good deal for you, your community and the Environment. (n. d.). Habitat for Humanity. Web.

How a Habitat for Humanity Home is Built. (n. d.). Habitat for Humanity. Web.

Volunteer with Habitat. (n. d.). Habitat for Humanity. Web.


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