Health and Medicine: The Safety of Patients and Staff


In the practice setting, there are several best practices that are in place that promote patient, community, and provider safety. It is important for management boards in healthcare facilities to focus on the safety of patients and staff. It can be done through the use of evidence-based management and effective nursing leadership. The use of such a system enables the management to provide a work environment that prevents fatigue and unsafe work practices for employees (Natesan et al., 2020).


Moreover, it is also important for management boards to conduct ongoing learning and offer clinical decision-making support to employees. Such training and support help to empower employees on safety matters. It is also good to create a work environment that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration to enhance teamwork and harmony within the organization. Finally, there is also a need for accurate and fair error reporting analysis, including rewards and training for patient safety. All these best practices are important in promoting patient, community, and provider safety.

These best practices are essential in promoting strategies for identifying and preventing verbal, physical, and psychological harm to patients and staff. A good organization ensures that its employees understand the safety policies through regular training. It helps staff to know how to perform their duties effectively and how to deal with patients. Gathering information to provide perspectives on gaps in safety policies makes patients feel safe. There is a high likelihood of preventing conflicts when patients are given a chance to participate in the decision-making process of the organization. It requires clear and direct communication between the provider, staff, and patients to address safety concerns.


A reduction in errors is important in ensuring that there are minimal conflicts between patients and hospital staff. These methods are important in ensuring that there is a conducive environment that facilitates the interaction between the provider, staff, and patients.


Natesan, S., Bailitz, J., King, A., Krzyzaniak, S. M., Kennedy, S. K., Kim, A. J.,… & Gottlieb, M. (2020). Clinical teaching: an evidence-based guide to best practices from the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 21(4), 985.

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