Health and Medicine: Vicodin


Vicodin is a pain control substance that is often given to patients who have undergone surgery and suffering from serious injuries. The drug is highly addictive and can cause serious problems when a large number of doses are given to the client. Mr. K is supposed to take up to six tablets of the drug. Therefore, it should be given to patients with moderate pain as illustrated in the paper.

Type of Pain the Patient Is Having

Mr. K., a 62-year-old patient, is experiencing moderate pain. Having undergone knee surgery, he is still in the process of recovery. Although the ache is not severe, it causes the individual discomfort. Regaining his full health will take a slow but steady progression. Therefore, since he has started his physical therapy, and the discomfort only intensifies after the exercise, Mr. K. should be given a small dosage of Vicodin.

Knowing the Severity of “Really Roaring” Pain

Even though it may not be easy to know the severity of “really roaring” pain, it can be recognized by directly asking the patient. A sick person can describe the intensity of the ache he is experiencing. Additionally, the constant monitoring of Mr. K. can aid in identifying the severity of the discomfort. If the patient cannot do what he was previously able to do, then the pain has increased.

Vicodin as a Type of Drug

Vicodin is a narcotic type of drug which is mainly used in the United States. It is administered to patients suffering from moderate to severe pain. It is highly addictive and should only be taken according to the prescription of the physician. The sedative is usually given after surgery or severe bodily injury. The medicine is composed of acetaminophen and hydrocodone as the main active elements.

The Type of Changes That Can Be Made in Drug Delivery

The painkiller’s acetaminophen content should be increased from 300 mg to 325 mg. 325 mg is the maximum amount of acetaminophen recommended by the government. As a result of this increment, the medicine will be able to perform its function faster. Moreover, Mr. K. should take Vicodin and rest for 30 minutes before attending his regular physical therapy to give him ample time to relax and enhance the drug’s effectiveness.

Potential Risk for Addiction

Since Vicodin is a highly addictive drug, Mr. K should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. The drug should only be taken when there is a need. Once an individual becomes addicted, it will be difficult to withdraw. The Drug Enforcement Agency grouped it as Schedule II controlled substance (Tran et al., 2017). Therefore, to avoid a possible addiction and Mr. K should adhere to the instructions.

Taking Two Vicodin Tablets Every 4 Hours around the Clock

The recommended Vicodin tablet contains 300 mg of acetaminophen and 5 mg of hydrocodone. A patient must take medicine every 4 to 6 hours, which implies that 6 tablets should be taken in a day.

Therefore, 300mg X 6 (Tablets) = 1800 mg.
But since he takes two, 1800mg X 2 = 3600 mg.
Hence, Mr. K will take 3600mg of acetaminophen

Succinctly, Mr. K is undergoing moderate pain, and he should explain his problem to the physicians. Moreover, the client is currently prescribed Vicodin, which should be taken according to the doctor’s instructions. The victim should also take food products that cannot react with the medicine. Based on the surgeon’s command, the client will take 3600 mg of the drug, which is the recommended dose for patients.


Tran, S., Lavitas, P., Stevens, K., Greenwood, B. C., Clements, K., Alper, C. J., & Takeshita, M. (2017). The effect of a federal controlled substance act schedule change on hydrocodone combination products claims in a Medicaid population. Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, 23(5), 532-539. Web.

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