Health Education and Social Service Field

Role of Helpers

The human services field includes several occupations that assist individuals who face various challenges. These experts are passionate about comprehending the human state and perform at their best when assisting others in finding solutions to problems. The social service field is dynamic and challenging, requiring a range of abilities and traits. The drug abuse counselor should greatly desire to assist others, be a great listener, and respect people’s privacy. Early childhood educators should have perseverance, inventiveness, and a passion for teaching. Furthermore, correctional officials need to have problem-solving abilities, self-control, and resilience. Health educators must be competent and well-educated, with a medical background and extraordinary clinical abilities.

The health educator career best serves my interests in disseminating correct medical information to the general public. Health educators are essential to global care because they help people and communities understand the differences between healthy and unhealthy habits and how changing one’s conduct can prevent illness and promote well-being. The health educator evaluates the needs of the person or community before beginning any training. These experts employ a range of resources and teaching techniques to instruct their audience as they prepare and carry out an efficient health education program.

Health inclusivity and social equity are comparable regarding accessibility and care provision within communities. While some health educators address health disparities from an individual perspective, others approach it from a societal one. However, for society to advance in healthcare, both approaches must be used. At the municipal, state, and federal levels, this profession extends into the formation of law and policy by influencing meaningful choices that affect community health (Girotto et al., 2019). Furthermore, health education can strengthen a community’s economy by lowering healthcare costs and lost production from avoidable sickness.

Life Transitions

Life transitions are times in a person’s life when their way of existence undergoes significant change. Transitions may be based around a momentous occasion, such as beginning a new work or adding a family member. They may also be sparked by traumatic events like the start of an epidemic or the death of a loved one. It is challenging to categorize human growth into discrete stages. However, several developmental psychologists have divided life into three distinct phases: childhood, adulthood, and old age. Adulthood is my current life stage, and I am establishing the professional, social, and financial pillars that will support me for the rest of my life.

Young grownups and those in the adulthood period are in their twenties and early thirties. Most likely, these people have reached the pinnacle of their physiological growth. The central nervous system is still developing, but the body has reached its full size. At this stage, I have accomplished things like developing my autonomy, identity, and mental stability. Pursuing my interests and ideals has effectively positioned me as an independent individual. I also have well-defined preferences, dislikes, interests, and philosophical beliefs. It is a massive accomplishment for me to build a comprehensive and balanced perspective on life’s difficulties as I become more emotionally stable.

I am embracing this stage of my life by maintaining a healthy lifestyle because the habits we develop in our twenties are linked to health concerns in middle age, specifically the risk of heart disease. Preserving a leaner body mass index, using alcohol in moderation, giving up smoking, leading a healthy lifestyle, and engaging in regular exercise are all examples of healthy behaviors. Early adulthood is often a period of relatively good health. In the United States, adults at this stage of life visit doctors’ offices at the lowest rate of any age group, whether younger or older (Van Doeselaar et al., 2018). This accomplishment will assist me in avoiding various health issues as I age.


Girotto, L. C., Enns, S. C., Oliveira, M. S., Mayer, F. B., Perotta, B., Santos, I. S., & Tempski, P. (2019). Preceptors’ perception of their role as educators and professionals in a health system. BMC Medical Education, 19(203), 125-131.

Van Doeselaar, L., Klimstra, T. A., Denissen, J. J. A., Branje, S., & Meeus, W. (2018). The role of identity commitments in depressive symptoms and stressful life events in adolescence and young adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 54(5), 950-962.

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