Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing in Relation to Health Policy

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing

In the process of nursing care, different advanced practice roles are of particular significance since each of them has specific functions and performs specific tasks. For example, in clinical practice, nurse practitioners and nurse informaticists carry out quite essential duties, as they have a high level of professional training and can provide qualified assistance in complex cases. In the process of education, nurse educators play an essential role, and administrators can be useful in the management of junior medical personnel. According to Lindeke, Avery, and White (2015), working with patients is relevant at the stage of medical care, and it does not matter to people how precisely this process is controlled. Accordingly, in the provision of primary health care, specialists, as well as practice nurses play a significant role and can provide patients with timely care and assistance.

As for research, the possibilities of some groups will be limited enough. For example, administrators are unlikely to be able to conduct a comprehensive analysis of a particular issue. At the same time, nurse informaticists and practitioners will surely cope with this task since they have experience in studying and analyzing certain cases. Also, nurse educators can be useful in this matter as they deal with a scientific database quite often and are well-versed in issues related to studies and innovations. As Williams (2016) remarks, the development of advanced practice roles has become widespread in many countries. It means that various medical organizations are actively involved in the process of improving the quality of their services and concern about how professionally employees can cope with the provision of health care and assistance.

Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role

The current health policy aims at improving the well-being of the population by encouraging various communities that can promote the education of people in the medical care sphere (Health policy, 2017). Possible changes that will be relevant in this case create additional motivations for politicians and the members of Congress to pay more attention to health issues. The participation of the authorities can significantly increase funding and, consequently, have a positive impact on the material base of specific institutions (Lindeke et al., 2015). For real changes to take effect, it is necessary to involve stakeholders that may be local health providers, as well as political forces controlling the work of these institutions.

As a family nurse practitioner, it is possible to make particular efforts to influence the current policy. For example, the organization of a volunteer movement in support of population education can be a rather good incentive for attempts to change the situation to be made. Collaboration with other nurses can help to develop specialized courses or training programs that will be useful for patients with different diseases as Lindeke et al. (2015) note, when people can independently provide first aid and are aware of the possible consequences and risks of particular ailments, the work of medical personnel can be simplified. If the current policy is changed, it is likely that the death rate from some dangerous diseases will be reduced, and people will be less likely to seek help from medical institutions. Moreover, in case of favorable changes, the role of advanced nurses can be reviewed, and professionals will be able to perform the work that they understand best due to their specific working skills.


Health policy. (2017). Web.

Lindeke, L. L., Avery, M., & White, K. W. (2015). Overview of advanced practice registered nursing. In K. A. Blair & M. P. Jansen (Eds.), Advanced practice nursing: Core concepts for professional role development (5th ed.) (pp. 3-26). New York, NY: Springer.

Williams, S. (2016). Looking at advanced practice nursing roles. Nursing Management, 23(6), 17.

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