Health Risks: Smoking and Usage of Substances

Health risks associated with pipes, cigars, cigarettes, vaping/or e-cigarettes for the lifespan of the individual

Smoking is generally known as a bad habit, but its new types continue to appear. It affects most organs of the human body, worsening their work – the lungs and oral cavity are especially influenced. Tobacco increases the likelihood of cancer, the development of various chronic diseases, deterioration of the heart work, and much more. According to Rentería et al. (2016), tobacco smoking has a significant impact on quality and life expectancy. Moreover, this study found that quitting smoking can, on average, increase life expectancy by one year for women and by two and a half years for men. Some believe that e-cigarettes and vapes can be a healthy alternative to tobacco smoking. However, recent studies prove that this type of smoking is also dangerous and causes lung injury and other diseases (Cao et al., 2019). Thus, smoking impairs human health and reduces human life expectancy.

Health effects of illegal substance use with legal substances

Illegal substances and the abuse of legal drugs have become a global problem. Several legal substances include tobacco, alcohol, and prescript medicine, illegal – substances, the production of which is prohibited. Alcohol has the most devastating effects on brain activity, worsening concentration, attention, and ability to think (Hall et al., 2016). It also causes deterioration in the work of the kidneys, heart, and other organs. The use of drugs is highly addictive, and depending on their type, they carry various threats – damage to the nervous system, injury to all organs of the human body, and such dangerous diseases as AIDS, hepatitis, and others. All narcotic substances negatively affect the next generations of addicted parents. Children can be born with abnormalities and disorders, mentally and physically disabled, and can suffer for their whole life.


Cao, D. J., Aldy, K., Hsu, S., McGetrick, M., Verbeck, G., De Silva, I., & Feng, S. Y. (2020). Review of health consequences of electronic cigarettes and the outbreak of electronic cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury. Journal of Medical Toxicology, 1-16.

Hall, W. D., Patton, G., Stockings, E., Weier, M., Lynskey, M., Morley, K. I., &Degenhardt, L. (2016). Why young people’s substance use matters for global health. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(3), 265-279.

Rentería, E., Jha, P., Forman, D., &Soerjomataram, I. (2016). The impact of cigarette smoking on life expectancy between 1980 and 2010: a global perspective. Tobacco control, 25(5), 551-557.

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