The Main Causes of Heart Failure


The primary goal of this research paper is to discover the main causes of heart failure and factors that have a direct impact on readmission rates of patients with this medical condition. It is of paramount importance to study this problem since its consequences are often associated with high mortality. Nevertheless, apart from the well-developed analytical framework and research, researchers may face a diversity of ethical issues and limitations.

Ethical Issues

To establish a foundation for discussion, there is an array of ethical issues that may arise during this research. For example, it is essential to inform participants about a plethora of tests that they have to undergo to participate in this study (Lo, 2012). It is essential to cover this problem in advance, as, otherwise, using the acquired information with the help of necessary procedures will violate the autonomy of patients (Lo, 2012). Along with that, other issues may arise if the effectiveness and safety of the intervention are questionable. Not addressing this aspect promptly will result in the violation of human rights and subsequent lawsuits. In this instance, to mitigate these risks, researchers have to develop a well-design set of interventions and tests that do not affect the health of the participants in a negative way. In this instance, providing a clear description of the study is the first step. The subsequent phase implies preparing required documentation and informed consent, as only a combination of these papers ensures that the acquired information can be used and guarantees anonymity (Lo, 2012). Following these sequences of steps will assist researchers in possible ethical issues.

Limitations of the Proposed Study

In turn, the major limitations of the study may include bias and generalization, as only a certain number of participants will be able to take part in this study. This factor may question the applicability of the research findings in other areas, as it will be difficult to design a universal approach due to its limited geographical focus (Given, 2015). Along with that, the study implies organizing a diverse range of tests and procedures. Unfortunately, apart from its positive effect on the accuracy of the results, this approach also has some drawbacks. For example, the need to take part in a variety of procedures may result in lower enthusiasm and, as a consequence, a high drop rate. This matter will affect the total number of participants, who will eventually take part in the study. Various extraneous variables may also question the validity and reliability of the study due to their substantial effect on the behavior and attitudes of participants.

Implications for Practice

Speaking of applications, the findings of this study can be actively used as a foundation for future research, as they provide valuable insights into the topic with the well-developed quantitative proof and evidence-based practice. In turn, the research covers highly important clinical questions and aims at discovering the most suitable intervention to reduce readmission rates. Consequently, its outcomes are not only informative but also help design effective programs and interventions to improve the health of the citizens. At the same time, a set of factors and dependencies reflected in the study can assist in educating doctors and patients about possible interventions and prevention strategies. Overall, it could be said that this research can become a scientific basis for subsequent studies and assist in increasing awareness about heart issues, related readmission rates, and potential interventions to mitigate these risks.


Given, L. (2015). 100 questions (and answers) about qualitative research. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

Lo, B. (2012). Ethical issues in clinical research a practical guide. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters and Kluwer Health.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 11). The Main Causes of Heart Failure.

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