Hellenistic Philosophies in the Present Day

In the present day, four Hellenistic philosophies are less followed by people due to their changed perceptions of reality and life values. From a personal perspective, cynicism in its understanding by ancient Greek philosophers has less importance for modern individuals in comparison with other teachings. It emphasized the importance of the “return to nature” and the absence of any social formations, including government, religion, marriage, and property (Philosophical Papers par. 5). Indeed, in the present day, people do not find an idea of rejecting the blessings of civilization and comfort highly attractive. They are not ready to live without housing, clothes, food, and family intentionally. In addition, the brotherhood with animals typical for cynicism is not perceived by a considerable number of people. While some individuals aim to reduce their waste, have a more ecologically safe lifestyle, and delete meat from their diet, others continue to believe in their superiority on the planet.

Skepticism is less popular nowadays as well due to the significant role of science in the contemporary world. In this case, the statement “nobody knows, and nobody ever can know” becomes less familiar for individuals regardless of their education and experience in life (Philosophical Papers par. 8). At the same time, the following of Epicurean philosophy is controversial – on the one hand, people admit the significance of happiness, on the other hand, its understanding may differ from ancient philosophers’ perceptions. While they see happiness in knowledge, the rejection of bodily desires, a virtuous life, community ties, friendship, and moderation in everything, modern people frequently see happiness in material things and excessive consumption. Finally, stoicism is less avoided by them nowadays, however, this philosophy is not followed to the fullest extent. For instance, people will not accept the loss of beloved ones as an intended event that should not cause suffering and grief.

Work Cited

Philosophical Papers. “The Hellenistic World. Four schools of Philosophy: Cynics, Skeptics, Epicureans, Stoicism,” Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Hellenistic Philosophies in the Present Day." August 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/hellenistic-philosophies-in-the-present-day/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Hellenistic Philosophies in the Present Day." August 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/hellenistic-philosophies-in-the-present-day/.

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