Holistic Approach in Medicine: CIM Practitioner


The term holistic applies to many branches, referring to a whole set of phenomena and features. The holistic approach forms the basis of much scientific knowledge and practices, allowing the development of a broad perspective on problematic theories or phenomena. Within medicine, the term holistic refers to an approach that looks at the body’s condition as a whole, not just the cure of disease. For an acupuncturist, an understanding of the holistic approach is imperative.


The holistic approach in medicine is characterized by considering the patient’s current problems, regardless of the chief complaint. A person’s treatment should occur as a whole and not in isolation (Marks, 2022). The individual’s mental, physical, and social conditions are essential to the diagnosis and subsequent treatment, and holistic medicine, as science, teaches the clinician to see these interrelationships. This approach is common in alternative currents of medicine. Holistics can be perceived negatively due to a lack of scientifically proven effects.

The holistic approach is critical for the CIM practitioner because acupuncture specializes in the relationship between biological points and human organs. It has to do with the interconnectedness of all body elements, and without it, healing of body and soul cannot be achieved. Moreover, the existing effects of needle-puncturing certain parts of the case assign significance to holistic knowledge (Lu et al., 2022). Acupuncture practitioners perceive the human body as a system in which each point is connected. It defines the possibilities in treatment, thereby introducing wholeness into medicine. Holistic understandings of the human body constitute the science in which CIM practitioners find a vocation and develop a system of interconnections. CIM practitioners need to be grounded in holistic to be able to demonstrate the effects of acupuncture. Based on this, the holistic approach should be perceived as part of medicine that seamlessly integrates each human body element into a whole.


Thus, the term holistic to medical practice describes an approach based on the interrelation of biological and physical, social, and mental factors. According to this approach, the human body is a system; any disease should be overcome, not in isolation. Within the framework of acupuncture, doctors rely on holistic because this is the only way to see the connections between the biological points of the human body.


Lu, L., Zhang, Y., Tang, X., Ge, S., Wen, H., Zeng, J., Wang, L., Zeng, Z., Rada, G., Ávila, C., Vergara, C., Tang, Y., Zhang, P., Chen, R., Dong, Y., Wei, X., Luo, W., Wang, L., Guyatt, G., Tang, C., … Xu, N. (2022). Evidence on acupuncture therapies is underused in clinical practice and health policy. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 376. Web.

Marks, H. (2022). What is holistic medicine? Webmed. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Holistic Approach in Medicine: CIM Practitioner." December 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/holistic-approach-in-medicine-cim-practitioner/.


StudyCorgi. "Holistic Approach in Medicine: CIM Practitioner." December 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/holistic-approach-in-medicine-cim-practitioner/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Holistic Approach in Medicine: CIM Practitioner." December 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/holistic-approach-in-medicine-cim-practitioner/.

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