Hollywood: The Cultural Influence

There is no doubt that Hollywood has a significant impact on society, particularly young people, in political and cultural ways. It has a remarkable power to transmit ideas, cultures, values, and even geopolitical influence. Thus, it is essential to examine how the studio mentioned above promotes American values, which factors are the fundamental ones, and whether there are advantages that take place for the worldwide audiences.

First, films produced in Hollywood promote American culture’s socially individualistic aspects worldwide by using media narratives and movies. Specifically, aspects of the American culture, such as individualism and Machiavellianism in life tendencies, are essential in this case (Dishman, 2020). Individualists advocate for the pursuit of one’s goals and desires and independence and self-reliance. They believe that the individual’s interests should take precedence over those of the state or a social group while opposing external intervention in one’s preferences by society or organizations such as the government. Individualism is sometimes the polar opposite of authoritarianism, collectivism, and more corporate citizenship formations. Machiavellianism is a psychological characteristic that signifies cunning, the ability to manipulate, and a desire to obtain power by any means. These examples, thus, demonstrate how the studio mentioned above’s influence on world culture is fundamental.

However, it is worth analyzing the benefits of Hollywood spreading American values such as individualism. In particular, young people are instilled with a sense of empowerment and the ability to influence the world around them to make it a better place (Varshani, 2020). Having enough power and confidence to alter how society is socially built, including its structures and the roles in society that have been allocated to individuals. Examples of these roles would be race and gender within the society, which are the main direction of the modern social empowerment. This, in turn, positively and comprehensively affects the development of society, enabling it to grasp new socio-environments.

In conclusion, the analysis demonstrated Hollywood’s influence on the world and its positive trends. How filmmakers communicate American culture to audiences and what specific aspects of it have become part of the world’s heritage were deconstructed. The main advantages of such things, especially young people, were also sorted out. It is worth noting that Hollywood has allowed the film industry to become a serious foundation for the social expression of people from different parts of the world.


Dishman, L. (2020). How Hollywood’s inequity is creating a social and economic crisis. Fast Company. Web.

Varshani, A. (2020). 3 reasons why Hollywood movies are better than Bollywood? Screeninsuits. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Hollywood: The Cultural Influence." October 21, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/hollywood-the-cultural-influence/.


StudyCorgi. "Hollywood: The Cultural Influence." October 21, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/hollywood-the-cultural-influence/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Hollywood: The Cultural Influence." October 21, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/hollywood-the-cultural-influence/.

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