Factors Influencing Reassessment of Hospitalized Patients: A Critical Analysis

Importance of Subjective and Objective Data

Medical workers have to know how to gather subjective and objective data of hospitalized patients and provide them with health care in a proper way. It is necessary to understand that in a hospital setting, a patient does not require a full portion of services and physical examinations 24/7 (Jarvis, 2015). The evaluation of developmental, age, socioeconomic, and cross-cultural considerations is important for the clarification of the main issues medical workers have to pay their attention to.

Developmental Considerations

Developmental considerations help to care for patients regarding their ages and special conditions (e.g. pregnancy) (Jarvis, 2015). Each type of hospitalized patients is characterized by some developmental considerations. For example, pregnant women could have lordosis of the spine as the main expected change. The examination of infants should include such issues as the color of skin and the condition of skin including oiling, sweating, etc. Children’s assessment includes the evaluation of the body, teeth, and new lesions (Dillon, 2015).

Age Information

Taking into consideration the fact that it is the bedside assessment of the hospitalized patient but not a first-time assessment, age information should not be a crucial point for discussion. The age of the patient could hardly be changed during the last days, and the required portion of information about the birth date is mentioned in the medical care of the hospitalized patient. So that a medical worker is aware of the age of the patient, and there is no need to ask for this information again.

Socioeconomic Factors

The evaluation of socioeconomic factors plays an important role as the changes could influence the emotional condition of a patient and promote the development of new symptoms and reasons for anxiety. In their turn, such conditions as depression, anxiety, or dementia could result in the development of new symptoms of hospitalized patients (Jensen, 2011). The low socioeconomic status could the reason for poor appetite and inappropriate or unpredictable reactions to treatment offered. The history of socioeconomic status could be clarified with the help of family members.

Cross-Cultural Issues

Cultural considerations are also important in the assessment of patients. However, the fact that it is not a first-time assessment, several cultural issues have been already discussed, and possible threats and limitations have been already mentioned. This time, a medical worker has to remember that cultural considerations could promote the development of certain diseases and reactions to treatment. For example, attitudes and beliefs of people determine the way of how patients could treat their diseases, how they are motivated to seek treatment, and how they could cope with the symptoms they have (Jensen, 2011). Besides, the analysis of cross-cultural considerations helps to clarify the level of family support in treatment.


In general, the analysis of a hospitalized patient during the bedside assessment has its form and goals. There is no need to pay attention to the details or preferences. The task is to focus on the recent changes and clarify if some events or situations could change the mood or behavior of a patient. Some unpredictable economic challenges, health problems of other family members, or personal concerns could influence a physical or emotional state of a patient and influence the whole treating process. The bedside examination includes the observation of the recent changes in the patient’s body and mind.


Dillon, P.M. (2015). Nursing health assessment: The foundation of clinical practice. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.

Jarvis, C. (2015). Physical examination and health assessment. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Jensen, S. (2011). Pocket guide for nursing health assessment: A best practice approach. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, September 6). Factors Influencing Reassessment of Hospitalized Patients: A Critical Analysis. https://studycorgi.com/hospitalized-patient-reassessment-factors/

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StudyCorgi. "Factors Influencing Reassessment of Hospitalized Patients: A Critical Analysis." September 6, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/hospitalized-patient-reassessment-factors/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Factors Influencing Reassessment of Hospitalized Patients: A Critical Analysis." September 6, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/hospitalized-patient-reassessment-factors/.

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