Household Gun Ownership and Concealed Carry Legislation

Issue Presented

What negative sub consequences might the residents of a community face when the policymakers implement the new governmental program allowing people to possess a gun within a concealed carry frame?

Short Answer

The governmental program “Gun Control- Right to Carry” has to be reassessed by policymakers and authorized representatives. The gun-control issue is much spoken nowadays due to its not well-organized policy frame entailing the high rate of crime affairs among gun holders.

Statement of Facts

In May 2021 in Russia, there was a case of an outrageous and severe crime affair that hit the country. The young man, who was 19, opened fire on students of Kazan school. As a result, nine people were killed, and the criminal was apprehended and taken into charge. It was one of the most scandalous cases in world history over 30 years. During the further investigation, authorities tried to detect under what circumstances the criminal managed to purchase the firearm. It was defined that before the mass slaughter happened, the defender asked for medical help several times as he had splitting headaches and several mental disorders. Having the makings of an insane person, he managed to get the firearm and complete his mission regarding killing people who are not worth living (in his opinion).

Diverse testimonies proved the fact that the inmate got the firearm legally and had no difficulties while obtaining it. All these peculiar details showed that practically all people are able to purchase a firearm and carry it with no effort put. This particular example has made the Russian authorities reconsider gun control policy, as it required further modification to eliminate all possible risks. Having a lot of significant downsides in the Gun Control policy adjustment, it is highly primary to implement the new EPB to prevent future potential cases of the same rate.


In most countries, purchasing a firearm requires psychiatrist attendance and the check-up of the mental health of a person willing to possess a gun. After the detailed examination of the person with no mental deviations detected, they are allowed to purchase a firearm and have the right to carry it. The case mentioned above presented a case where a customer (a criminal who committed the public shooting) got the particular document from a psychiatrist even though he had had complaints about his mental well-being. As this situation struck the country and caused major chaos concerning the weak governmental regulations, the Russian authorities decided to alter the Gun Control program. Mr. Putin, coupled with the Prime Minister, claimed to strengthen the gun possession procedure requirements and strengthen the control in arms traffic to determine arm holders, their action, and for what purposes they buy weapons. Some authorized representatives claimed to impose higher age limitations and restrictions on citizens.


In reaching its conclusion, objective reasonableness must be applied in solving this issue, as people might tend to unleash their aggression and violence by tapping into gun usage they have obtained before. The cases of gun overuse are much spoken nowadays and communicated directly to the public, as international supreme courts try to raise people’s awareness and warn them of the possible risks. For these reasons, most countries reassess the requirements and impose new measurements and limitations on people who are going to purchase a gun and pretend to have the right to carry it. The criminal affair mentioned above urged most countries to implement modified EBP into the response to Gun Control-Right to Carry to minimize the case where people resort to gun usage to meet their needs, such as unreasonable violence towards people and the obsession with bloodshed. Supreme courts and policymakers put in their best endeavors to integrate alterations in Gun Control policies to fix situations where individuals use weapons for revenge or aggression satisfaction.


Implementing the EBP into a response to Gun Control- Right to Carry is essential, as the weak policy regulating gun control refers to its possession leads to the high rate of crime issues. The primary key of the EBP is to analyze new programs and integrate new requirements concerning concealed carry programs as gun holders use weapons not only in particular places where gun usage is allowed but also in the outside environment. According to statistics, several people getting the legalized right to carry a gun use it when they suffer from diverse post-traumatic stress disorders and mental traumas, making them behave in unreasonable ways (Fridel,2021). Being under the influence of affect or severe aggression, they might use the gun to satisfy their “negative emotional” needs or get revenge on others. To eradicate to the core these unprecedented situations, policymakers have to implement new EBP in order to minimize the case of criminal misdemeanors and stabilize people’s confidence concerning their public safety. The new EBP is necessary to implement, considering all possible threats gun holders might cause to individuals’ safety and well-being. Evidently, policymakers who are going to devise the new proposal aiming to improve the situation referring to the increasing number of crime affairs dealing with open gun usage have to evaluate all possible outcomes and outputs of the permission of gun possession. There are a lot of notions needing constant consideration, such as the mental well-being of individuals who want to get concealed carry permits. For these very reasons, it is necessary to implement the new EBP to guarantee people’s protection. Obviously, before implementing the new EBP into a response to Gun Control-Right to Carry, social activists and authorized representatives have to set the minimum age of a person who has the legal right to carry a gun. It stands to reason that an individual’s mental health and consciousness are formed till they get to the age of 21. According to the federal laws of the US, legal residents have the Right to Carry when they are at least 18. Within the new EBP implemented, there is a suggestion to impose higher age limitations and restrictions on citizens in order to minimize all possible threats human beings with unstable psyches might cause to others. The following things that are to be considered are the background of an individual who asks for a gun to carry in the legalized way. It is vital to prohibit the purchase of a firearm if a person has previous convictions or any records of court investigations or custody testimony even though these cases are sealed. A person with no history of violence, prison, and court attendance might have the right to possess. Still, they have to elaborately articulate their intentions to possess a firearm by providing documents that they are not insane and do not have previous felony convictions.


Fridel, E. E. (2021). Comparing the impact of household gun ownership and concealed carry legislation on the frequency of mass shootings and firearms homicide. Justice quarterly, 38(5), 892-915.

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