Disaster Preparedness: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina

A crisis is an event that results in a hazardous and detrimental situation that affects a group, community, country, or a region. It is considered to bring undesirable changes in the economic, political, social, security, and environmental aspects. Crises occur unplanned, and if people are not well prepared to cope with them, there could be massive adverse impacts.

How can the negative effects of disasters be avoided? From history, natural calamities have resulted in great impacts; for instance, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and tsunamis have had huge effects in various parts of the world. When such calamities take place, they negatively affect the lives of the victims. They result in the destruction of properties, death of individuals, and displacement of people amid other calamities (Steelman, Nowell, Bayoumi, & McCaffrey, 2014).

One of the catastrophes that happened in the past was Hurricane Katrina in the US. It was so devastating that it greatly impacted many people because a lot of lives were lost and working places, learning institutions, and other infrastructures were demolished. Moreover, health problems emerged; therefore, individuals’ well-being and the environment were negatively affected. Experiencing calamities of such kind is usually traumatizing. Therefore, a country or a region may take a long period to recover from the effects of a disaster.

Analysts and weather forecasters have gained a lot of knowledge regarding diverse calamities (Steelman et al., 2014). In this regard, they have enhanced preparation for various kinds of disasters. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, researchers and weather forecasters learned much regarding enlightening people on the best means of preparing before disaster strikes. Practical learning is usually beneficial compared to theory. For instance, from the occurrence of the Hurricane Katrina in the US, Mississippi established a four-month strategy list for recommendations while engaging more than 500 participants to plan for the future (Steelman et al., 2014). Precautionary actions should be taken to evade adverse effects.

Multiagency Coordination (Weakness) Non-profit Committee Member (Strength)

What should be done to curb the hindrances to effective disaster preparedness? Idiosyncratic and collective goals are the main elements in strategizing, mitigating, learning, and recovering from prior calamities. To achieve such objectives in the prevention of future disasters, proper implementation of the aspects of achieving idiosyncratic and collective goals is essential. People should prepare fully before calamities happen if they are to cushion their effects.

Intensive preparation requires the involved stakeholders to work together to attain collective goals (Andrew & Carr, 2013). For example, people, healthcare providers, federal and state agencies, and emergency departments require operating jointly. Lack of coordination amid the engaged parties could result in failure and crises may lead to massive destruction of properties and loss of lives.

Crises do not choose between the rich and the poor as they can happen to anyone or in any region. The obstacles related to the lack of collaboration in preparing for crises should be addressed to ensure effectiveness (Andrew & Carr, 2013). In many cases, the planners are normally swayed by the wages offered. However, non-profit-making organizations and the government have a positive input if engaged in disaster preparedness. Moreover, the existing administrations need to offer adequate support to the parties involved in the preparation for future calamities. In conclusion, calamities can occur anytime and have adverse effects. If proper emergency preparedness plans are implemented, dangerous impacts could be avoided.


Andrew, S. A., & Carr, J. B. (2013). Mitigating uncertainty and risk in planning for regional preparedness: The role of bonding and bridging relationships. Urban Studies, 50(4), 709-724.

Steelman, T. A., Nowell, B., Bayoumi, D., & McCaffrey, S. (2014). Understanding information exchange during disaster response: Methodological insights from infocentric analysis. Administration & Society, 46(6), 707-743.

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StudyCorgi. "Disaster Preparedness: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina." December 1, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/how-can-the-negative-effects-of-disasters-be-avoided/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Disaster Preparedness: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina." December 1, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/how-can-the-negative-effects-of-disasters-be-avoided/.

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