How Color Affects the Desire to Buy

A number of factors, many of which interconnect, regulate consumer behaviors and change how people act. As a term, consumer behavior refers to the combination of actions, decisions, views a person holds when buying, using or disposing of products (Panaitescu). Depending on how products are presented, packaged, advertised or showcased, the desire to buy a particular item can change. Color, then, plays a vital role in changing customer perception. Research has shown that different colors are associated with different feelings, evoking certain ideas in customers. As an example, orange is generally seen as symbolizing energy, success, force, and competition, while white evokes feelings of cleanliness, understanding, and purity (Smith). As a result of difference in perception, color can be effectively used to magnify the public image of a product, attract attention and differentiate an item from its competition.

Color remains one of the primary distinguishing parts of packaging, a definitive feature of any given brand. As also shown in research, most people rely on color in their purchasing decisions, meaning that the right combination of colors will likely give a company professional advantage. Additionally, color has the ability to affect customer moods. The color red, as a prime example, is commonly associated with urgency, aggression, and passion (How does color affect consumer behavior?). All of these feelings can be communicated through using red. Sales, or limited time offer, are often accompanied by the color red, which helps easily communicate the need for customer to hurry and buy more. Similarly, other colors can create a more cool, reserved, professional or informal perceptions.

Works Cited

“How Does Color Affect Consumer Behavior?” Insights in Marketing, 2020, Web.

Panaitescu, Alexandra. “Consumer Behavior in Marketing – Patterns, Types, Segmentation – Omniconvert Blog.” Omniconvert Ecommerce Growth Blog, Web.

Smith, Lisa. “The Effects of Color on Consumer Behavior.” InVerve Marketing, InVerve Marketing, 2022, Web.

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