Instrumental Values as a Tool in the Leadership Approach

For every person, there are terminal values that play a significant role in life. Hence, based on these attitudes, individuals build their way and choose education, work, and partner. In other words, terminal values represent the ultimate aim of people’s lives, what they want to achieve the most. My terminal, ultimate goals are family safety, equality, and freedom. Following these aspects seems to me as the main driver of actions to achieve a better future.

It is also worth noting that these three values occupy a reasonably high place in the hierarchy of values. For me, the safety and well-being of loved ones come first, as I consider it essential to take care of them. Equality and freedom come after, but they do not lose their significance since they ensure the formation of a person as a person. Moreover, they occupy a special place in my approach to leadership, as “values help people decide the right course of action or the right way to behave in a particular context” (Stenlake, 2021, para. 1). Equality ensures that all team members are treated equally and given equal opportunities and responsibilities. Thus, it will be ensured that any negative behaviors, such as aggression or envy, which can lead to intra-group conflicts, will be limited. Freedom makes it possible for people to make their own decisions and actions of their own will.

In addition to terminal values, there are also instrumental values that can normalize and justify an individual’s value system. This kind is a way of how a person achieves their ultimate goals in life. For me, the most vital of all are honesty, ambition, and cleanliness. Firstly, honesty is the highest priority for me as a person who stands for the truth. This point of view can be supported by the fact that a lie can significantly spoil both the whole process of achieving the task and negatively affects relationships with other people.

The second value is ambition and the desire to be sincere, first of all with myself. Research showed that “instrumental value shows a greater influence on environmental consciousness and behavioral intentions, rather than the terminal value” (Kautish & Sharma, 2021, p. 27). Without an inner drive, individuals will not be able to overcome difficulties that may get in their way. In addition, ambition can help in obtaining new opportunities that can significantly speed up the path to the final task. The value of frequency in the first place is necessary for adherence to accuracy and consistency in actions to avoid the assumption of unnecessary disorder. It can also mean neatness in relation not only to what people do but also to how they interact with each other.

Instrumental values can also be a great tool when considering a leadership approach. Because this aspect implies direct communication and work with other people, values in it are of great importance. Furthermore, honesty in interaction and contact with others allows for building a robust system of trusting relationships. Moreover, as already mentioned, this will make it possible to reduce the likelihood of conflict situations. Ambitions can become an effective and productive motivator for the action of a whole group of people. The frequency of working through the steps to achieve goals will be adequate to ensure continuity, which will help not to dwell on minor mistakes.


Kautish, P., & Sharma, R. (2021). Study on relationships among terminal and instrumental values, environmental consciousness and behavioral intentions for green products. Journal of Indian Business Research, 13(1), 1-29.

Stenlake, B. (2021). Terminal and instrumental values. Leadership and Performance Center.

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