Business Card Design: Audience Questionnaire & Demo


To provide a proper demonstration, the presenter needs to provide a brief questionnaire to the target audience (Pearson et al. 259-268). The information collected will help the presenter understand the specific needs of the audience (Devito 35). Below is the questionnaire that I will present to my audience.

Q1.Do you need a personal business card?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Maybe

Q2. If yes, would you prefer to design it yourself, or would you rather someone does it for you?

  1. I would like to design it myself
  2. I would prefer if someone else does it for me

Q3. Do you know how to design a business card?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Q4. Which design software do you have?

  1. Adobe Photoshop
  2. Adobe Illustrator
  3. Adobe Indesign
  4. Microsoft Office Publisher

Q5. Have you ever used the software you have for any design-related tasks?

  1. Yes
  2. No

My target audience is made up of nine individuals and they responded to the five questions above as indicated below:

  • Q1.
    • a) 8
    • b) 1
    • c) 0
  • Q2.
    • a) 6
    • b) 2
  • Q3.
    • a) 6
    • b) 0
  • Q4.
    • a) 0
    • b) 0
    • c) 0
    • d) 6
  • Q5.
    • a) 0
    • b) 6

Audience analysis

From the results above, 89% of my audience said they needed personal business cards. Of the individuals who indicated that they needed personal business cards, 75% (six out of eight) preferred to design the cards themselves, while 25% opted to have someone else do it. 100% of the individuals who would rather design the business card themselves did not know how to go about it. Of the six individuals that needed personal business cards and wanted to learn how to design them, none had any design software apart from Microsoft Office Publisher. Besides, 100% of my target audience had never used the software to design anything. The demonstration will be tailored to meet the needs of 67% of the initial audience who need personal business cards and desire to learn how to design them.

Summary of the demonstration

The presentation will take a stepwise approach. First, different designs of personal business cards will be shown to the audience, and a vote taken to find out the one that is most visually appealing. Once a card is unanimously chosen, it will be used as the demonstration sample for the exercise. The next step would be to introduce the audience to the various kinds of software needed to design such a card.

Since Microsoft publisher was the most common software in the audience, the demonstration will be made using this software. In this regard, a brief introduction will be made to the software, identifying its basic strengths and weaknesses.

After the audience is acquainted with the software, the presentation will shift to the actual process of designing the business card. Here, I will show the audience which template to select, the placement of text and other features on the template, as well as how to make copies of the card in preparation for taking it to the printers. For demonstration purposes, we shall use a regular inkjet printer and available A4 paper to generate print-outs, which will then be cut to the right side of a business card, guided by the crop marks we set in the design.

Works Cited

Devito, Joseph. Human Communication: The Basic Course. New Jersey: Pearson Education Limited, 2011. Print.

Pearson, Judy, Paul Nelson, Scott Titsworth & Lynn Harter. New York: Human Communication. McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2011. Print.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 21). Business Card Design: Audience Questionnaire & Demo.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Business Card Design: Audience Questionnaire & Demo'. 21 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Business Card Design: Audience Questionnaire & Demo." February 21, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Business Card Design: Audience Questionnaire & Demo." February 21, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Business Card Design: Audience Questionnaire & Demo." February 21, 2021.

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