How to Prepare Chicken Alfredo

Remember when you were little, and your parents would teach you how to cook? Do you remember the smell that spread throughout the house when the food was almost ready? Well, today we are going to make tastier chicken alfredo for all your Italian needs. The meal is a classic Italian pasta that can be prepared in less than thirty minutes and is delicious to suit the whole family. Although there are numerous jarred sauces, making chicken alfredo sauce at home is easy. Apart from saving money for purchasing sauce, preparing this meal will significantly boost one’s calcium intake. A single portion of the pasta provides about thirty percent of the recommended calcium intake (Abraham). The mineral primarily comes from the sauce’s cream, butter, and cheese. Homemade chicken alfredo involves four easy steps: cooking the chicken separately, putting broth, garlic, and milk to the skillet, stirring and simmering while adding cream and parmesan, and lastly, mixing the chicken, fettuccine, and sauce.

The ingredients needed to prepare chicken alfredo are two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil, one and a half cups of low sodium chicken broth, kosher salt, and skinless and boneless chicken breasts. Other ingredients are one and a half cups of whole milk, freshly ground black pepper, ground garlic and cloves, one pound of fettuccini, and half a cup of thick cream. The last constituents needed to prepare this meal are one cup of grated parmesan and chopped parsley for garnishing. The first step is preheating a large cooking pan over medium heat (Abraham). Then, put olive oil on the skillet and season the breasts with pepper and salt. Continue cooking the meat until it turns golden brown for about nine minutes. Next, flip the pieces to the other side and cook until it turns golden brown for another eight minutes. Finally, remove the breasts from the pan and cool slightly for ten minutes before slicing them.

Secondly, reduce the heat to medium-low and add broth, cloves, garlic, and milk to the skillet. Season the mixture with black pepper and salt wait until it simmers. Add fettuccine and stir continuously until al dente for about three minutes, then let it cook for about ten minutes. The subsequent step involves adding the heavy cream and parmesan. Stir to combine the mixture and simmer to ensure that the sauce is thick enough (Abraham). Lastly, remove the skillet from the heat, add the sliced chicken breasts, and garnish with parsley. Toss the pieces in the sauce until they are well coated, then add a little olive oil to loosen up the sauce if it is too thick. Serve the meal while it is still hot for the best taste.

Adjustments can be made to the cooking steps based on one’s taste. First, if one prefers a richer or thicker paste, they can use milk instead of heavy cream. Secondly, fans of dark meat can swap the chicken breasts with thighs. However, this requires giving the chicken ample time to cook because thighs need more time to prepare (Abraham). Finally, individuals who feel like they need vegetables in their food can stir handfuls of spinach or grape tomatoes after cooking the pasta. Conclusively, this recipe provides an excellent base for a family’s pasta needs and if one has any questions, feel free to ask.

To conclude, this recipe provides a base for preparing chicken alfredo pasta. As a classic Italian dish, this meal is rich in calcium. Apart from boosting one’s calcium intake, knowing how to make chicken alfredo at home can also save on money used to buy the sauce. The cooking process is easy, and it involves four steps: cooking the chicken separately, putting broth, garlic, and milk into the skillet. The third step is to stir and simmer while adding cream and parmesan, and the last step is to mix the chicken, fettuccine, and sauce. Now, everyone at home should spend some time in the kitchen cooking this delicious meal and putting a smile on the faces of loved ones.

Work Cited

Abraham, Lena. “Perfect Chicken Alfredo.” Delish, Web.

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