Mastering Essay Writing: 6 Key Steps for Students

In elementary school, high school, and tertiary institutions, students are often required to write an essay. However, many do not like writing because they regard it as boring and time-consuming. Some students argue that they encounter challenges in identifying intriguing topics. One must appreciate that composing an essay can be difficult, particularly for learners who have never done it before. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare thoroughly before embarking on writing an essay. Students can split the process of writing an essay into six basic steps, thus making the assignment manageable.

The first step of composing an essay entails selecting a fascinating subject. At times, a teacher may choose a topic for learners, making it easy for them to start drafting the paper. Being allowed to select a topic offers students an opportunity to focus on a subject that is relevant or interesting to them. One has to determine if they need to create a persuasive or informative essay (Crossley et al. 186). After deciding on the kind of essay to write, it is imperative to do some research on the subject to gather sufficient information. For a persuasive essay, one has to focus on an area that they are passionate about. On the other hand, when an informative essay, it is imperative for one to concentrate on a field in which they are knowledgeable.

The second step of essay writing involves drafting an outline to facilitate the flow of ideas. One may use a diagram or a list to assemble the ideas that will be examined in the essay. In case an individual opts to use an outline, Ong recommends writing the title of the essay at the uppermost part of the page and listing the primary ideas sequentially, leaving gaps between them (19). These spaces should later be used to outline other secondary thoughts that may help link the main ideas.

The third stage of the writing process is creating a thesis statement. Crossley et al. posit that this statement must have two components: the subject matter and the point of the essay (189). It should be derived from the main ideas that are included in the outline.

After developing a thesis statement, the fourth step involves writing an introduction that serves as an opening paragraph. Ong advises students to make sure that their preamble draws the attention of the reader (23). One may incorporate a quote, exciting information, or a provocative “hook” into an introduction to capture the interest of their audience. The fifth step entails writing the body of the essay. In this section, an author describes, argues, or expounds on the ideas that were listed in the outline. A writer should ensure that each paragraph elaborates on a single thought. Crossley et al. maintain that it is imperative to use examples to support one’s position (203).

Additionally, a student must confirm that they have included information that assists in connecting secondary ideas. The last step of composing an essay pertains to writing a conclusion. The final paragraph should summarize the primary ideas that were discussed in the essay. One should proofread their essay, before submitting it, to correct grammatical errors.

Writing an essay can be fun if one makes the right preparations. Identifying an appealing theme allows an individual to write an essay with ease. Moreover, creating a draft of the points that one intends to cover, helps to enhance the flow of thoughts. Every essay must have a thesis statement that depicts the primary subject of the essay. The opening paragraph should draw the attention of readers. The body of the essay constitutes the ideas that are listed in the outline. The concluding paragraph should reaffirm the theme of the essay and summarize the main opinions.

Works Cited

Crossley, Scott A., et al. “What is Successful Writing? An Investigation into the Multiple Ways Writers can Write Successful Essays.” Written Communication, vol. 31, no. 2, 2014, pp. 184-214.

Ong, Justina. “How Do Planning Time and Task Conditions Affect Metacognitive Process of L2 Writers?” Journal of Second Language Writing, vol. 23, no. 1, 2014, pp. 17-30.

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