How Will the Design Track the Evolution of the Growing Complexity of Society’s Problems?

Design is a direct reflection of a person’s feelings, emotions, and thoughts. The masters, through the visual concept, convey what can influence the thoughts of their viewers and admirers of their work on an unconscious level. Moreover, design can also impact people in entirely different areas, some of which are entirely different. For example, it is used in the technological, socio-cultural, and even political fields.

There are particular types of design that make up a specific scheme to achieve the best result. One such scheme is the Double Diamond; its primary function is a deep study of the problem and then an action to solve it. In the process of creating a design for a project, that is essential to communicate, which does not occur only vertically “top-down”. Furthermore, communication is carried out horizontally, which serves as an additional source of inspiration for the designer. It is the joint efforts of different cultures that create stunning designs that influence the expression of the thoughts and ideas of the authors. For the design, the idea that it carries is fundamental. It cannot be a chaotic and thoughtless creation, and even if the design is just that, it must have a meaning that a person can find.

However, the downside of this globalized approach is that the meaning of any designer’s work is individual for each person. Due to the complexity of social problems, it is with the help of a well-thought-out design idea that a master can achieve great results when creating a visual concept. Moreover, due to the different cultures, each person will perceive the design created by the author entirely individually. After a while, it will become even more challenging to express thoughts through design since due to the difference in cultures and upbringing, people may react ambiguously to the author’s ideas.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, January 18). How Will the Design Track the Evolution of the Growing Complexity of Society’s Problems?

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'How Will the Design Track the Evolution of the Growing Complexity of Society’s Problems'. 18 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "How Will the Design Track the Evolution of the Growing Complexity of Society’s Problems?" January 18, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "How Will the Design Track the Evolution of the Growing Complexity of Society’s Problems?" January 18, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "How Will the Design Track the Evolution of the Growing Complexity of Society’s Problems?" January 18, 2023.

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