HRSA Programs & Data Analysis: Healthcare Funding in the U.S.

HRSA-based programs have been developed in order to ensure the provision of healthcare to individuals who are territorially isolated as well as medically or economically vulnerable. The target population ranges from people living with HIV/AIDS to underserved individuals who are unable to access the desired level of healthcare for their needs. Other HRSA programs support equal access to healthcare in rural areas, provide professional training, and supply healthcare providers to areas in which their services are needed the most.

In the current assignment, the HRSA data tool was used for searching data sets available for Clark County, Nevada, and Miami-Dade County, Florida, in order to compare the results of data searches. In addition, a nationwide search was conducted to provide a background on general US indicators and compare them with a specific region. For example, the total number of grants nationwide reached 5,139 through the funding of $9,700,539,910 in 2018 (HRSA, 2018c).

In Clark County, there were only 17 grants, which was around 300 times less compared to the nationwide indicator (HRSA, 2018a). Nationwide, the funding for healthcare professions’ training grants was $839,004,054 for 1,031 grants in 2018 while in Clark County the funding reached only $1,150,000 for 3 grants (HRSA, 2018c; HRSA, 2018a). In terms of shortages in healthcare providers, the Nationwide number was 6,890 in 2018 for primary care, while in Clark County, the number was only 22 for the same category, which was 313 times less compared to the total US indicator (HRSA, 2018c; HRSA, 2018a). Overall, the comparison showed that county funding represented only a fraction of nationwide grants.

When comparing Nevada’s data with nationwide datasets, it should be mentioned that information found in regards to this region is ample for making relevant conclusions on HRSA programs. For instance, in the Clark County fact sheet for the fiscal year 2018, the total number of awards is available: $14,619,020 given to ten distinct grantees for seventeen grants and cooperative agreements (HRSA, 2018a).

In Miami-Dade, $112,096,583 was given to eighteen distinct grantees for forty-seven grants (HRSA, 2018b). In regards to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program, regions receive grants to provide high levels of care to individuals diagnosed with HIV who are underserved or uninsured. In Clark County, $7,482,295 was given for five distinct grants, which is a comparatively low amount (HRSA, 2018a). In Miami-Dade, however, the amount of money given for grants reached $32,813,302 for seven distinct grants (HRSA, 2018b). The comparison of mentioned data shows that grants given in different regions do not depend on the population number but rather the income level of households as well as the number of people living below the U.S. poverty level.

The data warehouse used in the assignment can be useful for professional nurses as it offers a comprehensive look at available financing mechanisms that address healthcare challenges that vulnerable populations face on a regular basis. The comparison of Clark County data with Nationwide as well as Miami-Dade indicators showed that grant funding is distributed unevenly, with regions with the lowest median household income receiving higher levels of financial support. While this distribution seems logical, the differences in support can lead to healthcare disparities in the future when it comes to serving vulnerable populations.

Overall, the HRSA tool is useful not only for healthcare providers but also for individuals who want to educate themselves on available funding for underserved groups and seek support based on their healthcare needs and challenges.


HRSA. (2018a). FY 2018 – Clark, Nevada. Web.

HRSA. (2018b). FY 2018 – Miami-Dade, Florida. Web.

HRSA. (2018c). FY 2018 – Nation. Web.

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