Human Resource Management: Technology and Its Impact


Human resource management is an essential part of any business, which implies solving the urgent problems of work resources. As the basic part of HR (human resources) activities, recruiting includes searching for qualified personnel that will contribute to the company’s development. However, nowadays, with the impetuous development of technologies, AI (artificial intelligence) and robotics perform many tasks, including HR processes.

Although AI makes HR activities, including recruiting, faster and more effective, it conceals several ethical issues. In the chosen article, the authors stated that one still has not a complete understanding of implementing AI in HRM’s consequences from the individual (employee) perspective (Vrontis et al. 2021). In other words, from the workers’ side, it can have negative consequences as technology is doing more and more tasks, gradually supplanting human resources. In the context of the importance of HRM and its impact on the business, it may lead to the fact that such positions will not be relevant for employees in the future. On the other hand, the authors mentioned that in the case of successfully uniting the humans and the AI’s activity, HRM would become significantly more effective (Vrontis et al. 2021). Thereby, one must keep the balance between switching to robotic technologies and human resources to achieve better results.


Nowadays, globalization is developing rapidly, which leads to close cooperation around the world and increased demand for HRM activities. Besides, the development of technology promotes HR managers having more opportunities and the recruiting process becoming more efficient. It is due to the fact that a person from anywhere in the world can be accepted into the staff of any company, in case of the necessary qualifications. In this regard, the development of technology and the impact of AI on HRM is a relevant issue that needs to be analyzed. In addition, it is necessary to consider the impact of HRM and technological development on the business world and what advantages and disadvantages it may have.

As mentioned above, today, there is a rapid development of technology, which has its pros and cons. It affected HRM, namely the implementation of AI and robotics into HR activities, which makes them faster and more efficient. However, the complete displacement of the human labor force in this area may provoke several ethical issues. It could provoke a crisis in the co-staff, as many vacancies will no longer be available. In turn, it will lead to the fact that a number of educational institutions that improve the skills of HR managers and higher educational institutions will no longer be relevant.

In the context of the impact on the business as a whole, technologies may promote changes in the usual principles of the work of HRM and the labor market. In the event that such positions will be fully operated under the control of AI, there will be reformatting of the job market and the educational direction. Given that HRM is a fundamental part of the business, as it is responsible for finding the most suitable personnel, it directly affects the development of the organization. It is difficult to identify who will cope with this task better, a machine or a person since there are also psychological subtleties in HR activities. Certainly, machines cannot consider psychological niceties, which sometimes is necessary for HRM. In contrast, AI uses a calculation based on variables and databases without being able to deal with specific areas.

Regarding the impact on the business world, it is worth noting that the transition to automated HRM processes and recruiting is beneficial for business owners. It is formulated by the fact that employees in these positions need to be paid salaries, and the maintenance of the machines will be much more profitable. In addition, talented HR managers or recruits who select the most suitable personnel receive a significant salary, which increases the profitability of AI. Further, the advantage of an automated system is constituted by the aspect of the workplace, namely that there is no necessity to have office premises for HR personnel in case of using computers. The only thing that will have to be financed is the periodic maintenance of the servers and the equipment itself.

Despite the many advantages of AI management in HRM and recruiting, it may provoke some problems. Firstly, one should take into account the instability of automated systems’ working. It includes possible crashes, system overload, etc., and in some cases, a malfunction may provoke the deletion of important data, leading to an overall deterioration in performance. Besides, there is a threat of a hacker attack in the case of fully computerized processes. Thus, it is necessary to consider the cybersecurity factor, create methodologies for solving the above problems, and then carry out the implementation of AI.

To conclude, it was identified that HRM is an essential part of any business that provides the company with the necessary resources. Given the high pace of technological progress, HRM activities and recruiting are increasingly using AI and robotic technologies in their work. It has both positive and negative impacts on employees, educational systems, and businesses in general. The positive impact is formulated by the speed and efficiency of processes and lower costs for business owners. However, one should remember that the relevance of these professions may disappear. Finally, a software failure may occur in the operation of computers, which will lead to negative consequences.


Vrontis, D., Christofi, M., Pereira, V., Tarba, S., Makrides, A., & Trichina, E. (2021). Artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced technologies and human resource management: a systematic review. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.

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