Human Resources as a Profit Center

Human Resources is a department responsible for managing day-to-day operations and ensuring the organization’s overall success. HR is associated with the cost center label, as its primary purpose is to manage personnel costs, such as payroll, benefits, and recruitment. However, HR can also be a profit center, as it can drive organizational success and increase overall profitability.

Today the HR department significantly impacts the organization’s profitability and competitive advantage. This is possible through improved personnel management practices that increase productivity and revenue. For example, a study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that effective HR departments can bring in revenue of up to five times more than what is paid for the HR department (Madan et al., 2022). It was found that the correct use of HR technologies can lead to an increase in profit of up to 7%.

To understand how the HR department can help an organization increase its profit, one needs to improve practices in personnel management. The HR department can act as a conduit, helping the organization plan and implement programs that will increase the productivity of employees (Madan et al., 2022). For example, remote work practices and more flexible schedules can be implemented to improve the work environment and reduce transportation costs. Organizations can also leverage HR data and analytics to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs (Madan et al., 2022). For example, predictive analytics can identify inefficiency and develop strategies to reduce costs.

The transition of HR from a traditionally administrative function to a New HR Profit Center label has significantly impacted an organization’s competitive advantage. This transition has enabled HR to integrate more into the overall business strategy. It has allowed to focus on developing programs and initiatives directly contributing to increased productivity and revenue. Another example of how HR can add value and increase productivity is through their involvement in change management (Madan et al., 2022). In this case, by understanding the organization’s culture and goals, the HR department can create effective change management plans to implement new initiatives and technologies, increasing efficiency successfully.

In conclusion, HR can be both a cost and a profit center. By leveraging data and analytics to understand their workforce, organizations can develop strategies to increase productivity, reduce costs, minimize potential risks, and create innovative products and services. These strategies can help organizations gain a competitive advantage and increase profitability. This can have a positive impact on productivity and revenue.


Madan, P., Tripathi, S., Khalique, F., & Puri, G. (2022). Re-envisioning Organizations through Transformational Change: A Practitioners Guide to Work, Workforce, and Workplace. CRC Press.

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